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Lady Trojans bow; Boys stay unbeaten

by The Western News
| January 3, 2012 11:49 AM


<p>Junior Jordan Williams drives past T-Falls' Logan Beckman to score in first quarter.</p>

Troy High School Lady Trojans Basketball Coach Tony Smith, has got his hands full so far this season, losing their first two varsity conference games, but Smith is confident his team will do better.

The Ladies hosted the Thompson Falls Blue Hawks on Thursday, and were defeated, 48-26

The Lady Trojans showed more aggression “at the net” against the Blue Hawks than they did against the Lady Loggers in Libby on Dec. 20, and that gives Smith reason for hope.

However, Smith’s master plan will need more time to develop this young team.

A basketball coach for more than 34 years, Smith is confident and patient — commending his ‘Ladies’ for their efforts and intelligence.

“This is a smart group of girls, many of them with 4.0s,” Smith said.

The Lady Trojans’ counterparts, the boys are off to a great start as they are touting a 2-0 record in the early going.

Thompson Falls’ Blue Hawks team hosted the Trojans, playing a close first half, Trojans 38 and Blue Hawks 21.

Trojan cager Justin Randall, who has been nominated for a place at the Naval Academy by U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg (R-Montana), said he is playing with a great group of teammates.

“Every game we get mentally tougher,” Randall said. “We need to stay away from the ‘high wins’ and ‘low losses’.”

By the end of the fourth quarter, the Trojans team almost doubled their score at halftime — with an overwhelming score of 73-44.

Trojans will take the 2-0 record to Bigfork on Friday, Jan. 6, to face the Vikings.