Saturday, March 15, 2025

Troy reader takes exception to Councilman Art's Letter

by The Western News
| February 23, 2012 3:09 PM

Letter to the Editor,

After reading the letter councilman Joe Arts wrote in the Feb. 10 issue of The Western News, I became so upset and disappointed in Joe that I decided enough is enough!

I am ashamed to say my first attendance at our public council meeting was the Jan. 12 meeting. I shall be attending all of them that I am able to from now on. It is our duty as citizens of the Troy community to learn first-hand what is going on and not listen to gossip. I would like to address all of the accusations Joe made about the councilmen.

1. At this meeting a private citizen was passing out a copy of the law pertaining to the process of the disincorporation of a city. It was not a council person who passed these out! There were many citizens attending who could verify that.

2. I have questioned council members about the intentions of the council for animal control. From the conversation – the intent was not to do away with animal control, but to do it more efficiently and more cost-effective.

3. How can the city move forward in a positive way if we have a mayor who thinks he has total control and does not include the council in city issues as I witnessed?

4. How can the mayor justify sending a letter of termination to the city attorney before even discussing it with the city council or asking them to vote on the issue?

5. Joe, I believe you have your own agenda, being to further the ambitions of the mayor, after reading your letter to the editor.

6. How are you representing the citizens’ interests by making these accusations? You were elected by the citizens of Troy to the City Council. To represent and work with the council. This letter shows you are not even trying to. I heard councilmen ask you if you had anything to say at the two meetings and only said at the one you were not a yes boy for the mayor. Why not say what you said in the paper at the appropriate time. Why not at the meeting?

I have lived in Troy for 40 years. I have involved myself in helping our citizens when in need of help with anything I am able to assist them in for 38 years of my life. Joe, it makes me so upset and disappointed that a person I respected for so many years could misrepresent the facts.

7. You say you want the mayor and council to get along. With a mayor who does not involve the council, this will never happen.

8. Therefore I want to disagree with you, again. The petitions to recall the mayor were also circulated by private citizens and I’m proud to say I was one who signed! We need a new mayor who really cares about Troy as a community.

Citizens of Troy, please attend your council meetings often. Don’t listen to garbage. Council meetings are the third Wednesday of every month and work meetings are the second Thursday of every month.

—Fran Stanton
