Saturday, March 15, 2025

Reader writes on socialism, communism, other '-isms'

by The Western News
| February 16, 2012 11:35 AM

Letter to the Editor,

In Letters to the Editor I’ve noticed an incredible amount of misinformation based on faulty interpretation of events and history.

I retired in 1981. I, too, had noticed the USA was becoming more like the USSR and vice versa.

When I was a child, there was absolutely no way Americans would buy products made in a communist country. Today the majority of American corporations are located in communist countries. Corporatism and communism have found each other in the blissful seas pool of greed.

Communism, corporatism, socialism capitalism, fascism and environmentalism all belong to the “ism” family and have nothing to do with democracy.

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines “ism” as an abnormal state or condition resulting from excess to a (specified) thing. Then goes on to use the word alcoholism as an example.

You could even add “ism” to republican and make it republicanism. However “ism” cannot be used with democrat or democracy.

Being a victim, fear, greed and intimidation have been the tools of tyrants since the beginning of written history to justify killing others different.

I am not gay. I don’t have a dog in the fight. What gays do does not interest me. So, I naturally believe gay marriage is their business and those for or against gay marriage are gay.

I don’t have a womb. So, naturally, I believe those who have one should be the arbiters of abortion and that those for and against abortion have wombs.

If man is a part of nature, what we do in the environment is also part of nature.

Why have none of these doom and gloom environmentalists ever made a prediction that global warming may be the beginning of the earth turning into a tropical paradise?

— Harry Turnland
