Sunday, March 16, 2025

Improving Lady Loggers win two of their last three contests

by Sandra Faye Douthit - Reporter
| February 16, 2012 11:45 AM


<p>Shyla Stevenson drives in low past Eureka's Alex Holland in first quarter.</p>

As the high school basketball season nears the end, the Lady Loggers win at home Feb. 3 — Ladies 48, Whitefish, 27.

The Ladies demonstrated their skills on the court last Friday against their opponents.

The Bulldogs, with only one win in their record, were hosted by the Loggers, with their record of 2-13.

Loggers Hannah England and Hailey Craig had an impressive evening.

England managed a 3-point shot in the first three quarters — she contributed 10 points overall to her teams final score.

Craig scored a 3-point basket in the first and three 2-point shots in the fourth quarter.

To start the game, both teams played a close quarter resulting in a score of 13-11 in favor of Libby.

The Bulldogs slumped in the second quarter, gaining just 1-point to Libby’s gain of 16-points.

Loggers Jenny Johnson, Kim Tangen and Taylor Quinn scored 2-point shots to end the first half, and secured a comfortable point spread for the Loggers over Whitefish.

The Bulldogs came back from the half with more bark, scoring 9-points to end the third.

However, the Ladies carried their pace from the first half to the second — they gained another 11-points on the Bulldogs.

The Ladies finished the fourth with three, 2-point shots from Craig and a win over Whitefish 48-27.

The Broncs beat the Loggers Saturday, 53-14.  

Tuesday night the Ladies rallied to win against the Eureka Lady Lions.

Every game they played better and with more skill than the last.

At home in Libby the Loggers nearly ran the clock out with a tie game, until the free-throw shot made by Taylor Quinn secured the win.

The timing of Quinn’s extra point was enough to leave little time for the Lady Lions to recover.

However, the Lady Lions hurled the ball in an attempt at a 3-point shot to win the game. The ball hit the rim and determined the outcome of this game, Lady Loggers 26-23.

The Ladies take their record of 4-14 to face Polson at home Feb. 11.

In the following game, the team will travel to Columbia Falls before the basketball season divisional tournaments.