Saturday, March 15, 2025

We may now add two more items to America's legacy: Naivete, foolishness

| December 20, 2012 12:43 PM

Letter to the Editor,

After viewing the documentary “2016,” the political direction of Barak Obama is more readily understood. 

The communist beliefs of his parents and mentors easily account for Obama’s philosophy and agenda. They don’t, however, account for his rapid rise to power. It is only when we consider his agenda as being in alignment with the global elite’s plan for a one-world order that Obama’s quick ascent is explained. 

Only with the financial backing and political connections of the global elite would it be possible for an obscure one-term senator to make it to the presidency in one leap. I believe another essential element of this unprecedented rise to power was the liberal press. This entity had the formidable job of selling Obama’s left-wing agenda to an electorate that until now has been to the right of center. 

These three elements all came together at the same time, which may cause those of religious faith to believe divine guidance was involved. Those opposed to Obama’s communist agenda may be more inclined to find it the work of the devil.

Whatever the reasons, the fact remains that Obama became our president and now easily won election to a second term. When history examines the attributes of the American people and their journey to becoming the greatest nation of the world, I believe they will find us hard-working, resolute, innovative and generous. 

But these attributes by themselves could not have propelled us to the premier position of power and prosperity. There are many peoples past and present who shared these qualities. It was the unique Constitution of our country that allowed our attributes to blossom in an environment of free enterprise that insured our ascendancy. 

In drifting away from the principles contained in our Constitution as Obama advocates, we are acquiring two more attributes that will be added to our legacy: Naivete and foolishness.  

 — Bill Payne
