Saturday, December 28, 2024

Environmental movement has disabled our once-vibrant economy

| December 3, 2012 11:00 AM

Letter to the Editor, 

During the past nearly 30 years the American people have acquiesced to the demands of the “environmental movement” and, as a result, done serious damage to our nation’s economy. 

This movement is promoted and financed by the one-worlders whose plan is to take over our country, should have aroused some suspicion as to the real intent of Environmentalism.  

Instead, our government began to curtail resource development on federal lands and imposed drastic regulation on industry as dictated by the so-called environmentalists. 

The rapidity of this dismantling of our nation’s economy should leave little doubt our government has been infiltrated by agents of the one-world conspiracy. 

In our part of the country, not only has our government curtailed resource development, it is actively promoting wilderness status on more and more of the forest so as to preclude any chance of development.

Plans are now being developed to give our water rights to several Native American tribes. It has been suggested by some environmentalist nut cases we remove all the hydroelectric dams in the Columbia River basin. 

How much longer will it be before we are told to leave? We, the people of the West apparently are not part of the one world master plan. 

— Bill Payne
