Saturday, March 15, 2025

Police Blotter: Aug. 12 - Aug. 19

| August 29, 2012 12:05 PM

Lincoln County

Sheriff’s Department

Aug. 12

• A suspicious female walking through Ace Hardware parking lot trying to open car doors was reported.

Aug. 13

• Caller reported medication being stolen from his car in Empire Foods parking lot.

• Ambulance called to Troy Community Health Center to assist a female having a heart attack.

• Naomi Marie Miller was arrested on charges of contempt of court.

• Caller reported vandalism at Fred Brown Pavilion.

• Cherry-colored Chrysler Sebring driving through neighborhood near 400 block of Dakota several times. Driver and passengers acting strange.

• Caller reported her neighbor putting large boulders on forest service road because he was upset with logging trucks.

Aug. 14

• Boundary County advised possible drunk driver heading toward Lincoln County.

• Package of marijuana found on Amtrak train. They would be in Libby in a few minutes and would like an officer to take care of it.

• An animal was coming into caller’s yard on Bobtail Lane and taking ducks, turkey, etc.

• Chainsaw stolen on West Kootenai.

• Suspicious male in 600 block of Dakota.

• Family disturbance in 1500 block of Dakota.

•  Caller on Spencer Road reported an assault. 

Aug. 15

• Caller on Scenery Road reported that something got into her rabbit cage and killed her rabbit.

• Caller along Yaak River Road found a packhorse on his property. Took gear off and kept it overnight. The owner called in the next day and retrieved the horse.

• Mother was cussing at her 4-year-old daughter in the parking lot of the Community Health Center.

• Caller advised that he saw a large mountain lion in the area of the weigh station on Highway 2.

• Caller on Matilas Drive reported his ex-wife was allowing their son to drink and use drugs.

• Caller reported a male who had been drinking for a long period at The Pastime and caller was afraid he may drive.

• Caller on Billy Bob Way reported his collector’s edition knife was stolen from his house.

Aug. 16

• A vehicle with one working headlight and expired registration was pulled over in the Burger Express parking lot. The driver was then arrested on charges of possession of drug paraphernalia. 

• A baby eagle flew into the side of caller’s trailer on Highway 2. It was alive but injured.

• Female came in to talk to an officer about a possible sex crime the night before.

• Jeremiah Erickson arrested for parole violation.

• Suspicious activity in 200 block of Valley Drive. Male and female in verbal argument outside.

• Couple fighting in 1200 block of Nevada Ave. Boyfriend broke female’s tooth. 

• Isaac, Shaw and Pamela Anderson arrested for probation violation for possession of drug paraphernalia.

Aug. 17

• Joshua J. Tulley was arrested on charges of possession of dangerous drugs.

• Randall Lane Smith was arrested on charges of possession of drug paraphernalia.

• Caller advised of theft at Achievements.

• Caller reported an assault at Second and Mineral.

• Caller in 200 block of Cedar Creek Road reported a black horse running loose.

• Caller reported vehicle stolen while parked on California Avenue.

• Multiple 911 calls for a fight behind The Pastime Bar that left one man bleeding from the head.

• Caller advised that a man was lying in the middle of the road at Fifth Street and Utah.

Aug. 18

• Caller at Warland Creek Campground complained of his neighbor threatening him for running his generator.

• Caller in 700 block of Vanderwood Road complained that a caregiver took his parking pass seven weeks ago and would not answer the phone.

• Resident on Yaak River Road warned that an airplane had been circling and getting lower all afternoon. He was worried something was wrong.

• Susan Billingsley was arrested on a traffic violation after weaving all over the road. 

• Bryce Glaze was arrested on an outstanding felony warrant.

• A group of juveniles was loitering by Troy Museum. They were dispersed and trash was picked up.

• Gabriel Wagoner was arrested in Eureka on an outstanding warrant.

• Caller reported some minors in possession by Swede Mountain on the Haul Road.

• Caller advised four youths crawling on the roof of Subway. They were taken to Juvenile.

• Caller reported a large underage party on Lower Granite Creek Road.

Aug. 19

• Caller reported a male on Kootenai River Road and Rawlings running with no shirt and pants with blood on his face.

• Caller in 600 block of Montana called to report an injured raven he had rescued from his backyard.