Thursday, April 25, 2024

Climate change? We really need earth change, reader says

| August 5, 2012 2:32 PM

Letter to the Editor,

I was discussing climate change with my aunt and she said, “We need to pray for deliverance.”

 I agreed, but we were each seeing it in a different way. Her way was seemingly obvious but mine was, we need to pray to our god or goddess to reduce world overpopulation. 

We need to change the minds of the religious and their God to see this problem for what it is. There are just too (darned) many people living and overindulging in the earth’s resources.

We all need to prevent the over half of the unwanted births by supporting contraception and legal and safe abortions. 

We need to educate people about their options concerning thought-out pregnancies and abortions. It should be obvious to any rational person when the world is so clustered with unwanted and undercared-for children that something needs to be done. 

It is a tragedy that so many children are undernourished and not cared for almost everywhere in the world. These unwanted grow up and also become an additional drag on the already overtaxed drain on the world’s limited resources.

It would be better by far to prevent them from being born than to try to do no more than just keep them alive after they are born unwanted. 

And we need to be more resourceful with what we do have. We need to use less electricity, gasoline, eat less, waste less, etc. 

Climate change didn’t just happen, we humans caused it and the earth will act to save itself as our own white corpuscles act to try to prevent our own demise against viruses invading our own bodies.

More than needing to pray to our own gods or goddesses, we need to consult our own reason about something so obvious and basic before it is too late. 

And, also we all need to do more than just “like” or agree with something so civilization threatening. 

We all need to get on our Congress people, talk to our friends and family about it, and even spend some of our money to support reducing the overpopulation and pollution of our world.

Or maybe like that fat comedian W. C. Fields of the early 1900-era said or at least was given credit for, “ way to deal with the overpopulation of unwanted children in the world would be to eat them.”

 The religion’s God dealt with famine in 2 Kings 6:25 in a similar way.

— Carl Jones, Sr. 

Heron, Mont.