Saturday, March 15, 2025

Draft Plan comment period extended

| April 5, 2012 5:45 PM

The Forest Service has extended the comment period on the Kootenai and Idaho Panhandle Draft Forest Plans and Environmental Impact Statements (DEIS).  

The revised comment period ends on May 7, providing an additional 30 days to the comment period.  

The original public comment period began on Jan. 3 and was scheduled to end on April 5.  

The two Forest Supervisors and Regional Forester want to give people more time in light of requests to extend the comment period.

“The documents are complex, so we need to ensure that folks have adequate time to comment on the  Draft Plan and DEIS,” said Kootenai National Forest Supervisor Paul Bradford.  

“The Draft Plan reflects 10 years of working with our partners, communities, and interested publics.”

The draft documents are available at any Kootenai Ranger District Office and the Forest Supervisor’s Office.  

They are available on line at, by phone request (406) 293-6211 or through email at:  

Written or electronic comments will be accepted through May 7, 2012 and should be submitted to:  Kootenai National Forest, Forest Plan Revision, 31374 Highway 2, Libby, Mont., 59923 or