Reader appalled by talk on Islam, asks for tolerance and understanding
Letter to the Editor,
This past Sunday evening I want to a talk on “Islam” at one of the local Christian churches, hoping to learn more.
I was amazed and appalled at what I heard.
Despite a stated intention of not creating a culture of hate, this presentation came very close to doing just that. Filled with historical inaccuracies, frank untruths and quotes from the Quran taken out of context, as well as a reference to Hitler, the net effect was to create a culture of fear, paranoia and loathing, reinforcing the American image of all Muslims as terrorists out to take over the world.
Good people, you did NOT learn about Islam!
For starters, Muslims do not worship a rock or a moon god, do not believe that God exclusively resides in the Kabah; Muhammad was a poor orrphan without means.
The star and moon are a symbol from ancient Persia (circa 400 BCE or earlier).
In the name of world peace, you need to educate yourselves about Islam from an unbiased source.
The Wikipedia would be a good start, though it is a dry read; a very readable biography of the prophet Muhammad is available by Karen Armstrong.
Of the over 1 billion Muslims on the planet (Islam is currently the fastest growing religion), 99.99 percent are not terrorists.
They are like you and me. Unfortunately, like you and me, they are human and so some are as narrow-minded and prejudiced as we are.
What begins as a beautiful expression of spirituality can become ugly when the wrong people gain power. This is true in the history of Christianity as well as Islam.
Did not Christ preach love and acceptance?
If we want to stop history from continuing to be the story of man’s unhumanity to man, we need to open our hearts as well as our minds, remember that love is the primary guiding principle of Christianity, and to judge not, lest we be judged.
Muslims as well must reaffirm that God is the final judge.
— Jane Borish