Saturday, March 15, 2025

Letter: Live, love, shop locally

| November 5, 2010 9:45 AM

Dear Editor:

It is getting colder outside and that

makes people think more about the coming holiday season. I would

like to take this opportunity to give Libby residents some food for

thought about shopping locally.

A recent study showed that

locally-owned businesses re-circulate 70 percent more money back

into the local community than chain stores. That translates to $70

out of every $100 spent in Libby staying in Libby, (as opposed to

$43 out of $100 dollars spent at “Wallyworld” ending up in

Kalispell or Spokane.)

Libby is a city of neighborhoods. When

folks shop here in Libby, we meet each other and catch up on news,

give out hugs and spread love around as well as money.

Libby businesses will do their best to

deliver good service. Store owners have a good understanding of the

kind of products shoppers need because they live in Libbyland,


Small local businesses are the largest

employers on a national scale. This accounts for the vast majority

of job growth. Locally- owned businesses are far less likely to

pull up stakes and move operations to other countries to save on


Local businesses generally purchase

locally whenever possible and this saves on transportation costs,

which in turn, is a savings passed on to local customers. Shopping

locally is greener.

Libby businesses support a myriad of

local causes. Nonprofit organizations receive an average of 350

percent more money from locally-owned businesses than they do from

non-local businesses. Dollar for dollar, local businesses give

3-1/2 times more than outside businesses. Think about it. Who

supports Wings? Local people and local businesses do.

A study in Austin, Texas showed that if

each household redirected $100 of planned holiday spending from

chain stores to locally- owned merchants, the local economic impact

would reach approximately $10 million. Granted, Libby is not

Austin, but the same principle applies.

Lastly, local businesses are owned by

people who live here, work here and are invested in the community

with much more than their dollars.

Live, love and shop locally.

Christi Ellwood
