Saturday, April 20, 2024

Letter: Thoughts on Obama 'seeking solutions'

| January 20, 2010 11:00 PM

Dear Editor:

In response to a recent letter to the editor entitled, “Give the president’s plan a chance” (Jan. 8, page 4), the health care passed by a majority – true – but only by a majority of Democrats. Republicans were not even allowed to read the bill – thanks to Obama’s puppets Pelosi and Reid.

As for Obama seeking solutions that advance not the interest of any party or agency but the aspiring of all Americans and restoring fiscal responsibility … that is hilarious.

All of the above is for his socialist programs and as for fiscal responsibility, is that what you call putting us trillions in debt that our great-great-grandkids will never get paid off?

One more thought … our illustrious president took three days to utter a word about the “underwear” bomber but was quick to get behind the reader-board and talk about the Haitian earthquake – not that that was not important – but the crew and passengers aboard that plane, some American citizens, should have been important also.

Garman V. Guthrie
