Saturday, March 15, 2025

Letter: Free speech denied? Give me a break

| January 5, 2010 11:00 PM

Dear Editor:

How dare Mr. Haflich try to wrap himself in the flag, complaining his right to free speech was denied him?

I believe his civil rights were temporarily suspended when he was stupid enough to drink and drive. I’m fairly sure Haflich wasn’t very concerned about others’ civil rights had he caused an accident.

Profanity is free speech, (I guess) but it shows the lack of education of the user. Screaming profanity is bad manners.

Mr. Haflich broke the law and got caught. He refused to obey an officer in the course of his duties. I’ll bet he was given several warnings to behave. Why is he whining?

I’ll be glad to fly a ribbon for him. How about pink for wussiness or yellow for cowardice?

Cyndi Harvey
