Saturday, March 15, 2025

Letter: You don't have to accept programs

| April 1, 2010 12:00 AM

Dear Editor:

While standing in the checkout line at a local store, I overheard a man ahead of me state in general conversation that he and his wife had bought a home here. His question was, “does everybody in this town hate each other?” The man ahead of him turned and stated, “anymore, I don’t know; I sure hope not.”

I have been thinking along those same lines and the only answer I can come up with is if you think federal and state programs are socialistic, don’t accept them.

If you have an accident, tell the ambulance to go away; you will find your own ride. If your home is vandalized, tell the police you are independent; you solve your own problems. Even though you paid into Social Security all of your working life, turn it down. The same goes with Medicare or us veterans who use the VA for medical needs.

I have never forgotten the old-timers’ stories of losing their homesteads and any money they had in the bank because there was no federal deposit insurance.

We now have people with doctorates in economy being shouted off the podium by people waving anti-government signs. If we can’t find the courtesy to listen to the best minds the country has to offer, why not stop education after the eighth grade? Think of all the tax dollars that would save.

Don Wilson
