Monday, February 17, 2025

Letter: Thank you, Libby for 2 incredible years

| September 10, 2009 12:00 AM

Dear Editor:

For nearly two weeks I have contemplated this moment – the forming of thoughts, structuring of sentences and conveying of heartfelt sentiments. Now that I am here, I am at a loss. How can I express to the town of Libby the thank you that I wish to express using only a few carefully chosen computer key strokes?

I’d rather talk to you in person, arms flying about in animation, mouth gaping in a big old toothy grin and tears flooding my eyes. That’s the kind of thank you I desire because that is what Libby deserves.

It has been more than an honor to serve you through the ownership of Cabinet Books and Music. Your loyalty to my local business has been deeply appreciated. I may have been the one who flipped on the light switch each day, but you and your patronage made it possible.

The best part about you, Libby, is that you don’t stop at the wallet. You gave me so much more than your money; you gave me your friendship and taught me the joy of serving. I am going to miss you incredibly, but the silver lining in all of this is that I now get to stand with you on the other side of the counter. Just think of the fun we are going to have visiting over there!

So, since once is never enough, I again say thank you for two incredible years and a special thanks to Gordon and Cathie Sullivan for daring to keep the store’s legacy alive and vibrant. I can’t wait to shop!

Patti Lennard
