Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Letter: Obama dealing from the bottom

| September 10, 2009 12:00 AM

Dear Editor:

Not too many years ago in Montana, if you caught someone stacking the deck and dealing from the bottom, that person most likely would have to shoot his way out of town.

Now we have this situation near Bozeman where Mr. Obama comes to town for a “town hall meeting.” His town hall is an airplane hangar in a remote part of the airport. Montana State University has much better facilities to have a meeting like this on campus.

Only a few of the tickets were allowed for the public’s use. Democrats held the rest and gave them out to Obama supporters. There was an area set aside for the rest – Republican, Independent and others outside of the hangar.

Then they had the busses with the Union thugs with their bullhorns and professionally done signs come in to intimidate any protesters to the Obama message.

If that is not stacking the deck and dealing from the bottom, I don’t know what you would call it. The thing that bothers me most is that Sens. Baucus and Tester were a part of it. Where are their town hall meetings? I think that they know what the people of Montana want and they are afraid to talk to us “face to face.”

Bob Windom
