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Sept. 2 Briefly

| September 3, 2009 12:00 AM

Pick up Nordicfest parade application

Applications for the Nordicfest parade are available at the Venture Inn in Libby, board member Diane Hoover announced.

The deadline to submit completed applications is Wednesday, Sept. 8.

For more information, call Hoover at 293-3694.

Library to offer grant writing program

The Libby Library plans to offer a program about the basics of grant writing with librarians Sarah Daviau and Melody Condron. The event begins at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 8.

The session will review places to search for grants, tips for writing successful grants and an overview of the sections commonly asked for in requests for proposals.

EPA Info Center closed Sept. 4, 7

The Environmental Protection Agency Information Center in Libby will be closed on Friday, Sept. 4 and Monday, Sept. 7 for the Labor Day holiday weekend.

Homemakers group issues invitation

The Libby Farm Women’s Homemakers invite all community ladies interested in joining a friendly group to its Sept. 8 social at noon for a potluck luncheon at Treasure Manor meeting room.

The gathering will be a picnic-bingo social. Everyone is asked to bring wrapped bingo prizes (can be nice white elephants).

For information, call Signe Moser at 295-4164.

Cabinet View CC’s back 9 open daily

The Cabinet View Country Club in Libby has closed its front nine until a date to be determined in 2010.

The back nine and driving range will continue to be open daily for golfers. A temporary clubhouse is located at the corner of Cabinet Heights Road and Cabinet View Road. Golf cart rentals, a full drink list, and cold sandwiches and snacks are available.

VA rep to visit Troy, Libby on Sept. 14

A representative of the Montana Veterans Affairs Division out of Kalispell will be at Kootenai Senior Center in Troy and Libby Senior Citizens Center on Monday, Sept. 14.

Sherry Stewart, service officer, will be in Troy from 11 a.m.-noon and in Libby from 1:30-4 p.m.

For more information, call 406-755-3795.

Airborne chapter plans reunion, potluck

The Montana All Airborne Chapter of the 82nd Airborne Division Association plans to meet for a reunion and potluck on Sept. 12-13 at 4007 Stevi River Road in Stevensville.

A business meeting will begin at 2 p.m. on Sept. 12. The guest speaker will be association president, Steven Frazer.

Families and friends are welcome, along with all Airborne (anyone that is jump qualified from service).

For more information, call Golda Hendzel at 777-3973 or 207-0221 or send an e-mail to: .

Traumatic brain injury group to meet

North Valley Support Group’s traumatic brain injury meetings are set for Tuesday, Sept. 15 in Libby and Wednesday, Sept. 16 in Troy.

The group will meet at 5:30 p.m., on Sept. 15 at the Families in Partnership offices, 83 Collins Ave., in Libby, and at 6 p.m. on Sept. 16 at Kootenai Senior Center in Troy.

The meetings are intended for people with brain injuries and their family members to meet and talk about education, understanding and resources. Support groups provide confidentiality and empathy of experiences of other head injury survivors.

For information, call Don Walker in Libby (293-6518) or Laura Wilde in Troy (295-9753).

Dam tours continue through weekend

Tours at Libby Dam will continue through Labor Day weekend, the visitor center reported. After Labor Day, tours will be available by appointment.

The Libby Dam Visitor Center will continue to be open through Labor Day from 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Through the rest of September, the visitor center will be open Monday through Saturday from 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

For more information, call 293-5577.

Kootenai Pets For Life seeks volunteers for animal shelter

Kootenai Pets For Life welcomes new volunteers to its facility in Libby.

For those interested in volunteering, call 293-8609 or 293-4936 and arrange a time for a short training program and to set up a schedule. Walking dogs and socializing cats are both important in getting the pets ready and available for adoption, as well as cleaning and feeding.

People that cannot adopt at this time but would be willing to foster an animal are also needed.

KPFL is a nonprofit, all-volunteer organization providing services to stray and abandoned pets in the Libby-Troy area by providing a no-kill shelter, pet owner education and a spay/neuter program.

Event to close rifle, pistol range Sept. 13

The Cabinet Rifle and Pistol Club in Libby plans to hold a multi-gun event on Sunday, Sept. 13, the organization announced.

The range will be closed to the public on that date.

For more information, call Phil Jungst (293-5100), Hugh Taylor (291-0404) or Frank Spense (293-3635).

Pre-registration required for annual Youth Runnerfell

The 20th annual Youth Runnerfell will be held on Friday, Sept. 11 at the Libby Middle School.

The 3-and-under age group will begin at 4:15 p.m. with other ages following. Participants are encouraged to pick up their race numbers at approximately 3:45 p.m., after the buses have left Libby Middle School. The event will kick off with the presentation of the award logo winner.

No late registrations will be accepted after Sept. 9. Participants must provide proof of medical insurance (photocopy of insurance card, policy, payroll deduction or other verification) with the registration.

There is no entry fee for the race. The T-shirt is available for $5 (youth) or $10 (adults).

Participants can register early by mailing a registration form and proof of medical insurance to: Youth Runnerfell, P.O. Box 1197, Libby, MT 59923.

Due to last year’s success, a registration form is available on the Libby Public School’s website: .

Entry forms will also be available beginning Aug. 26 at the following businesses: Copper Creek Espresso, Empire Foods, Mac’s Market and Video, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Shoes and Socks, Rosauers, Kootenai Valley Record, The Montanian and The Western News.

For more information, call 293-7426 or 293-8246.

Garage sale to benefit shelter continues

A garage sale to benefit victims of domestic violence continues this weekend in Libby.

The sale will be staged at 105 W. Oak St., for three days from Thursday, Sept. 3 through Saturday, Sept. 5 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

All proceeds will benefit the nonprofit Lincoln County Crisis Solutions domestic violence/sexual assault program and shelter.

Diabetes Support Group program set

The Diabetes Support Group plans to meet on Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 7 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church in Libby.

The scheduled program is “Continuing the Journey – Preventing Complications” by St. John’s Lutheran Hospital’s Joan Bush.

Diabetes self-care programs this month

St. John’s Nutrition and Diabetes Support Services will be presenting three classes in September.

“Basic Diabetes Self-Care” will be Thursday, Sept. 3 from 4-6 p.m. “What to Eat? Carbohydrate Counting” will be Thursday, Sept. 10 from 4-5:30 p.m. “Keeping a Healthy Heart” will be Tuesday, Sept. 15 from 5:30-7 p.m.

Pre-registration is required for each class by calling 293-0124.

Nordicfest staging coloring contest

Nordicfest is sponsoring a children’s coloring contest for ages 4-9. Cash prizes and ribbons will be awarded in three different age categories. Only 25 entries for each category will be accepted and there is a $1 entry fee.

Registration will take place only on Friday, Sept. 11 from 3:30-5 p.m. at Libby Middle School during Youth Runnerfell. No late entries will be accepted. Proof of registration will be given to participants and they will need to bring it with them to the Memorial Center on Saturday, Sept. 12. Each age group will have their designated time to color between 1-4 p.m.

Winners will be announced and prizes awarded on Sunday, Sept. 13 at 12:45 p.m. Participants do not need to be present to win.

For more information, call 293-3386.

Church to host dramatic performance

The Christ Lutheran Church in Libby will host “The Gospel of Luke” with Michael Reardon and Patrick Lane on Thursday, Sept. 3, at 7 p.m.

The dramatic presentation features a contemporary translation of scripture in the oral tradition of the early church, designed with music, lighting and costuming. A reception to meet the artists will follow.

Reardon, a native of Anaconda, has memorized the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as well as the Book of Revelation and performs them dramatically worldwide. Lane, a native of Morrill, Neb., is director, musician and lighting artist. He designed the special effects and wrote the original music.

The program will last two hours. A freewill offering will be received for the performance.

Christ Lutheran Church is located at 200 W. Larch St.