Monday, February 17, 2025

Letter: Property restoration pleases homeowner

| September 1, 2009 12:00 AM

Dear Editor:

On June 28, my wife, Nora, and I had to vacate our home for several weeks for the Environmental Protection Agency cleanup of our property. Upon returning home, we had several serious concerns on what the contractor had left us with, which quite frankly, was a mess.

With adamant calls to the Libby project supervisor, Mike Cirian, our property was eventually restored on Aug. 24. I don’t know who the contractor was but CDM employees returned to our property three times over the last seven weeks to complete the project.

I would like to commend Supervisor Nick Santos of CDM (hot line), Jim Jones of CDM (foreman) and Jim Call of CDM (field operations) for their hard work and exemplary assistance.

I strongly encourage all Libby residents with concerns or complaints on their property restoration to call the EPA at 293-6194 and ask to speak to Cirian personally.

Bill Lafrance
