Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Live Updates: Libby vs. Polson volleyball

by Brad FuquaWestern News
| October 3, 2009 12:00 AM

Live event closed (concluded at 7:01 p.m.)

Following are live in-match updates from Polson at Libby volleyball on Saturday, Oct. 3:


Polson wins first game, 25-22

Polson wins second game, 25-21

Polson wins third game, 25-16

Libby roster: 10-Alyssa Walker; 12-Evi Cernick; 20-Malena Sweet; 30-Alysha Martin; 32-Jackie Mee; 42-Alex Kulbeck; 44-Logan Best; 50-Katie Emery; 52-Kim Tangen; 40-Lexi Hageness.

Polson roster: 1-Staci Benson; 2-Kayla Duford; 4-Nicole Davey; 5-Loni Havlovick; 6-Marissa McCrea; 7-Breanne Kelley; 9-Christa Red Crow; 10-Sallie Sams; 11-Riley Kenney.

Second Game

Polson, 18-15

L12 (Cernick) serving, P10 kill

Polson, 19-15

P4 serving, P30 (Martin) kill

Polson, 19-16

L30 (Martin) serving, point to Polson

Polson, 20-16

P1 serving, L42 hit wide

Polson, 21-16

P1 serving, P4 kill

Polson, 22-16

Timeout Libby

P1 serving, L44 (Best) kill into back corner

Polson, 22-17

L52 serving, L52 ace serve (Tangen)

Polson, 22-18

L52 serving, P3 ace block on Mee hit

Polson, 23-18

P2 serving, Serve long

Polson, 23-19

L50 (Emery) serving, ace serve

Polson, 23-20

L50 serving, ace serve

Polson, 23-21

L50 serving, P3 and P11 block

Polson, 24-21

P5 serving, P4 kill

Polson wins second game, 25-21

Third Game

P2 serving, L44 kill

Libby, 1-0

L10 serving, serve into net

Tied, 1-1

P5 serving, P9 hit wide

Libby, 2-1

L50 serving, L32 kill

Libby, 3-1

L50 serving, Libby hit wide

Libby, 3-2

P3 serving, illegal carry on Libby

Tied, 3-3

P3 serving, serve long

Libby, 4-3

L40 serving; illegal hit on Libby

Tied, 4-4

P11 serving, P4 block

Polson, 5-4

P11 serving, L32 kill

Tied, 5-5

L32 serving, P4 hit, goes out but official says went off Libby player's fingertips

Polson, 6-5

P4 serving, ace serve

Polson, 7-5

P4 serving, ace serve

Polson, 8-5

P4 serving, P10 kill

Polson, 9-5

P4 serving, ace serve

Polson, 10-5

Timeout Libby

P4 serving, ace serve

Polson, 11-5

P4 serving, L30 kill

Polson, 11-6

L12 serving, P5 kill

Polson, 12-6

P6 serving, L30 hit into net

Polson, 13-6

P6 serving, long rally … L12 hit wide

Polson, 14-6

P6 serving, illegal carry on P2

Polson, 14-7

L30 serving, serve long

Polson, 15-7

P2 serving, ace serve

Polson, 16-7

P2 serving, serve long

Polson, 16-8

L10 serving, P11 hit into net

Polson, 16-9

L10 serving, point to Libby

Polson, 16-10

L10 serving, serve into net

Polson, 17-10

P5 serving, L32 kill

Polson, 17-11

L50 serving, ace serve

Polson, 17-12

L50 serving, L32 hit, Polson 3+ hits

Polson, 17-13

L50 serving, P4 kill

Polson, 18-13

P3 serving, L32 ace block

Polson, 18-14

L40 serving, serve into net

Polson, 19-14

P11 serving, L32 hit into net

Polson, 20-14

Timeout Libby

P11 serving, L32 hit wide

Polson, 21-14

P11 serving, serve long

Polson, 21-15

L32 serving, P4 kill

Polson, 22-15

P4 serving, L32 hit long

Polson, 23-15

P4 serving, pass to far out, point to Polson

Polson, 24-15

P4 serving, L42 kill

Polson, 24-16

L12 serving, P5 kill

Polson, 25-16

Polson sweeps in 3 games