Thursday, February 13, 2025

Letter: Building's demise sparks fond memories

| November 22, 2009 11:00 PM

Dear Editor:

It was with a bit of nostalgia and fond memories that I read the article on the front page of today’s Western News (“Old Libby building coming down,” Nov. 13 edition).

Following my honorable discharge from the Army in 1946, I was employed by Leonard and Doris Sleizer, who owned and operated Sleizer’s Grocery for many years at that location. Their business consisted primarily of charge customers and not too much “cash-and-carry” business.

Most of the customers were paid twice a month by their employers so pay days were always quite busy. They would come in to make payment on their accounts and many of them would place a big order at the same time for delivery to their homes the same day.

Being the closest grocery store to the Great Northern Railroad Depot, I well remember quite a few bums or hobos – as they were called – often came to the store for a hand-out. The Sleizers were quite generous in their treatment of these less fortunate people.

Just for old times sake, I drove down to the old store location today for one last look before it is just another memory for me. As I learned when I studied Latin at Libby High School, “tempus fugit” or, “time flies!”

I have enjoyed this bit of reminiscing.

Ben Baker
