Friday, March 14, 2025

Logger basketball camp accepting registrations

by Western News
| May 19, 2009 12:00 AM

Logger Basketball Champ Camp is coming June 8-10 in Libby, organizers announced.

The camp is for boys and girls that will be heading into the fourth through ninth grades.

The camp for incoming fourth-, fifth- and sixth-graders will run from 1-4 p.m. in the Libby Middle School gym each of those three days.

The camp for incoming seventh-, eighth- and ninth-graders will also run from 1-4 p.m. but at the Libby High School gym.

The cost is $40 and covers offensive and defensive fundamentals. The camp also features contests and games, a free T-shirt and an early registration opportunity for basketball.

Libby High School coaches and players will conduct the camp.

The early registration deadline is May 30. Registration will be accepted through June 8.

For more information or for instructions on picking up a registration form, call Jim May at 293-3549 or Wally Winslow at 293-4418.