Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Advanced hunter's education class scheduled

by Western News
| June 9, 2009 12:00 AM

The Libby Rod and Gun Club is planning to sponsor an advanced hunter education camp on Aug. 15 at Fawn Creek Campground, located eight miles up the Fisher River.

The program is open to youth ages 12-14 who have completed Basic Hunter Education.

Volunteer expert instructors will present the hands-on program. The day is filled with fun and educational activities, including live firing and practical information. The shooting stations include black powder/muzzleloader, archery, shotgun and center fire rifle with scope. Demonstrations include big-game biology, survival techniques and a walk-through hunter ethics course with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks game wardens.

Lunch and dinner will be provided and the program welcomes both boys and girls. Information forms were mailed out but for those who need one, they are available at Libby Sports Center and Mac’s Market. There is no charge for the program.

Parents are welcome to spend the day at Fawn Creek Campground and encouraged to come for dinner. Volunteers are needed, especially leaders for the girls and helpers for the meals.

In order to prepare for the day, organizers ask that interest/information forms be turned in as soon as possible, even from those who are unsure if they will attend.

For more information, call Tom Horelick at 293-7205.