Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Letter: Why is Orr being attacked?

| December 15, 2009 11:00 PM

Dear Editor:

After reading Tony Berget’s letter in the Dec. 4 issue of The Western News (“Libby city clerk the one being harrassed”) about D.C. Orr … what a joke! Is he really the commissioner?

It’s funny how this comes out just when Mr. Orr is pointing out wrongdoings with taxpayer dollars for personal gain. If what Mr. Orr is saying is not true, why has there not been a slander suit brought against him? Why? Because it’s true.

Mr. Berget says Glena Hook is a sweet lady. I suppose she might be if she is doing the dirty work for our mayors. But a citizen or business owner that she decides to harass, then she’s not so sweet.

Over the years, I have been to many city council meetings. I have seen Mr. Orr question but never attack anyone. He has questioned them on bad spending habits and unethical ways for years. I would hate to think where the taxpayers would be if not for Mr. Orr.

Again, why is he being attacked so bad while trying to secure $2 million for us? Keep up the good work Councilman D.C. Orr.

Allen Olsen
