Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Groups recognize Rep. Vincent for efforts

by Western News
| December 13, 2009 11:00 PM

Rep. Chas Vincent’s efforts in the Montana Legislature were recently recognized by two organizations.

The Citizens For Balanced Use issued its Legislative Score Card for 2009 and identified Vincent as a leader on resource management.

“Chas Vincent carried and passed half a dozen important bills to improve your chances to continue the

Montana way of life you grew up with,” a Score Card press release reads. “From helping local and state governments have more say in federal land decisions to attacking the dangerous fuel loads in forests all over this state, his tireless and passionate efforts brought him the distinction as the single-most effective legislator in passing a pro-multiple use agenda. He is a leader for the future.”

Rep. Gerald Bennett also earned 100 percent on the Legislative Score Card. Both Vincent and Bennett hail from Libby.

The Montana Farm Bureau Federation also recognized Vincent as one of four winners of the House Golden Windmill Award.

In a newsletter prepared by the federation, Vincent was noted for “tremendous support for agriculture.”

“His work in the Natural Resource and Taxation committees supported farmers and ranchers statewide,” the organization said. “Rep. Vincent carried legislation dealing with management of state lands and forested properties. The representative is to be particularly commended for his ag support since he represents a district with little agriculture.”

“I'm honored to have received both awards. It has been a pleasure to work alongside two very important Montana grassroots organizations that share our common vision of promoting the responsible use of our natural resources, and the heritages that are dependent upon them,” Vincent said.