Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Letter: Speeding motorist takes life of dog

| December 9, 2009 11:00 PM

Dear Editor:

My family was out for the Thanksgiving weekend and we had a wonderful time four-wheeling, playing and walking. The road behind our place is a county road and paved. In the last five years I have never seen a sheriff or any other traffic enforcement. The average speed of vehicles on this road is 45 mph, even though the posted speed limit is 25 mph.

On Saturday the good times ended. My neighbor three doors down never slows down for anything and is usually doing 30-plus mph. I heard his diesel pickup from inside my garage and he never let off the fuel until I heard my grandson’s dog get hit. He died by the time we made it to Libby. It took the vehicle 40 feet to stop. He has done this before with me on the road. I moved out of the way in time.

It is really sad when you aren’t safe on a road with so little traffic. How do we get some traffic patrols on this road?

Guy Uithof
