Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Aug. 28 Briefly

| August 27, 2009 12:00 AM

Garage sale to benefit local shelter

A garage sale to benefit victims of dometic violence is coming up over the next two weekends in Libby.

The sale will be staged at 105 W. Oak St., from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 1-3 p.m. on Sunday. The sale will then resume for three days from Thursday, Sept. 3 through Saturday, Sept. 5 from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

All procceds will benefit the nonprofit Lincoln County Crisis Solutions domestic violence/sexual assault program and shelter.

Libby league welcomes bowlers

The Granny and Grandpas Bowling League in Libby is looking for men and women interested in joining as full-time bowlers or substitutes.

The league meets at 2 p.m. Wednesdays.

For more information, call 293-3920.

Event to close range on Sept. 13

The Cabinet Rifle and Pistol Club in Libby plans to hold a multi-gun event on Sunday, Sept. 13, the organization announced.

The range will be closed to the public on that date.

For more information, call Phil Jungst (293-5100), Hugh Taylor (291-0404) or Frank Spense (293-3635).

Genealogy program coming to library

The Libby Library plans to offer a program at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 1 to help family researchers.

Librarian Melody Condron will lead a session entitled, “Montana Genealogy Resources on the Web.” The program will cover online resources available to individuals researching their genealogy in Montana, including Montana-specific resources on HeritageQuest online, Montana historic books available digitally and more.

Diabetes programs scheduled in Libby

St. John’s Nutrition and Diabetes Support Services will be presenting three classes in September.

“Basic Diabetes Self-Care” will be Thursday, Sept. 3 from 4-6 p.m. “What to Eat? Carbohydrate Counting” will be Thursday, Sept. 10 from 4-5:30 p.m. “Keeping a Healthy Heart” will be Tuesday, Sept. 15 from 5:30-7 p.m.

Pre-registration is required for each class by calling 293-0124.

Junior high marks 40th anniversary

Libby Junior High marks its 40th anniversary this year and a special event has been organized for Friday, Aug. 28.

Several teachers and staff from Libby Junior High’s early days will return to Libby for a gathering at the Elks at noon on Aug. 28, followed by a tour of the building that afternoon.

An open house at the Elks will begin that evening at 7:30.

Former students and community members are invited to stop by for a visit.

Local church to host performance

The Christ Lutheran Church in Libby will host “The Gospel of Luke” with Michael Reardon and Patrick Lane on Thursday, Sept. 3, at 7 p.m.

The dramatic presentation features a contemporary translation of scripture in the oral tradition of the early church, designed with music, lighting and costuming. A reception to meet the artists will follow.

Reardon, a native of Anaconda, has memorized the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as well as the Book of Revelation and performs them dramatically worldwide. Lane, a native of Morrill, Neb., is director, musician and lighting artist. He designed the special effects and wrote the original music.

The program will last two hours. A freewill offering will be received for the performance.

Christian women retreat coming

The Montana Aglow “Jewels in His Crown” Retreat is coming to Kalispell’s Garden Inn Hilton Hotel from Sept. 11-13.

The retreat is open to women of all ages. The $35 registration fee includes lunch on Sept. 12.

For more information or to register, call 406-443-6683 or go online to: .

Diabetes Support Group program set

The Diabetes SupportGroup plans to meet on Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 7 p.m. at Christ Lutheran Church in Libby.

The scheduled program is “Continuing the Journey – Preventing Complications” by St. John’s Lutheran Hospital’s Joan Bush.

Pool league to meet on Aug. 30 at Mint

The Sunday Night Mixed Mini-League plans to meet at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 30 at the Mint Bar in Libby.

For more information about the pool league, call 293-7656.

Kootenai Karacters’ presentation coming

The Kootenai Karacters’ presentation of “The Boarding House” is coming to the Little Theatre in Libby.

The play, directed by Shanda Jennings, is scheduled for Sept. 10 (7 p.m.), Sept. 11 (7 p.m.) and Sept. 12 (2 and 7 p.m.).

Tickets are available at Reel Time Movies or by calling 283-1674.

Troy VFW Auxiliary to meet on Sept. 1

The Troy Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 5514 Ladies Auxiliary will meet Tuesday, Sept. 1 at Kootenai Senior Center in Troy.

Prior to the auxiliary meeting, there will be a joint meeting with the veterans.

For information, call Billie Brue at 295-4086.

Pre-registration required for Runnerfell

The 20th annual Youth Runnerfell will be held on Friday, Sept. 11 at the Libby Middle School.

The 3-and-under age group will begin at 4:15 p.m. with other age groups to follow. Participants are encouraged to pick up their race numbers at approximately 3:45 p.m., after the buses have left Libby Middle School. The event will kick off with the presentation of the award logo winner.

No late registrations will be accepted after Sept. 9. Participants must provide proof of medical insurance (photocopy of insurance card, policy, payroll deduction or other verification) with the registration.

There is no entry fee for the race. The T-shirt is available for $5 (youth) or $10 (adults).

Participants can register early by mailing a registration form and proof of medical insurance to: Youth Runnerfell, P.O. Box 1197, Libby, MT 59923.

Due to last year’s success, a registration form is available on the Libby Public School’s website: .

Entry forms will also be available beginning Aug. 26 at the following businesses: Copper Creek Espresso, Empire Foods, Mac’s Market and Video, McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Shoes and Socks, Rosauers, Kootenai Valley Record, The Montanian and The Western News.

For more information, call 293-7426 or 293-8246.

Nordicfest sponsoring children’s coloring contest

Nordicfest is sponsoring a children’s coloring contest for ages 4-9. Cash prizes and ribbons will be awarded in three different age categories. Only 25 entries for each category will be accepted and there is a $1 entry fee.

Registration will take place only on Friday, Sept. 11 from 3:30-5 p.m. at Libby Middle School during Youth Runnerfell. No late entries will be accepted. Proof of registration will be given to participants and they will need to bring it with them to the Memorial Center on Saturday, Sept. 12. Each age group will have their designated time to color between 1-4 p.m.

Winners will be announced and prizes awarded on Sunday, Sept. 13 at 12:45 p.m. Participants do not need not to be present to win.