Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Back to School: Libby schools plan registration days, open houses

by Western News
| August 18, 2009 12:00 AM

(Following is a rundown of registration and other information for each school in the Libby School District).



Registration for new students occurred last week. For those who still need to register, visit the school at the Asa Wood building.

Classes begin Monday, Aug. 31 for students in grades 1-3, and Friday, Sept. 4 for students in kindergarten.

Open House

Parents and students are invited to an open house on Thursday, Aug. 27 from 4-7 p.m. Classrooms will be open and parents and students can get oriented to their school. The principal, teachers and secretaries will be on hand to answer questions. Parents who attend are asked to accompany their children at all times while visiting classrooms.

Student Pictures

Student pictures for K-3 elementary students are scheduled for the second week of October. More information and specific dates will be sent home with students.


Kindergarten home visitations are scheduled for Aug. 31-Sept. 3. A teacher will make contact for further information. The first day for kindergarten students is Friday, Sept. 4.



Registration for Libby Middle School parents and students is this week. New student registration began Tuesday and continues Wednesday. General registration is Thursday and Friday.

Wednesday, Aug. 19 – 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (new students)

Thursday, Aug. 20 – 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (grades 4-5)

Friday, Aug. 21 – 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (grades 6-7-8)

A registration cost of $5 is required for a lock. Students who have locks from last year do not need to purchase another one. An optional $10 student activity pass is available and required for those who plan to participate in intramural activities.

Classes begin Monday, Aug. 31. The Libby Middle School office will be closed Aug. 24-25.

Note: For those who receive the newspaper on Tuesday, new student registration runs on that day until 4 p.m.

Open House

Parents and students are invited to an open house on Thursday, Aug. 27 from 5-7 p.m. Classrooms will be open and parents and students can get oriented to their school. The principal, teachers and secretaries will be on hand to answer questions.

Student Pictures

Pictures are scheduled for Sept. 30. Picture packets will be sent home with students. Re-takes will be Nov. 4.

Other Information

New students must bring updated immunization records, certified birth certificate, previous school report card/school records, name and number of emergency contact and contact information for previous school.

Arrangements will be made for placement testing.

All fifth- and sixth-graders and students new to Libby must have their second MMR shot before entering school. Also, students entering the seventh grade must have a current TDAP.

Students planning to participate in extracurricular activities must have a doctor’s physical prior to any practice.



Libby High School announced registration dates and times for the coming year.

Wednesday, Aug. 19 (9 a.m.-noon) – New students and foreign-exchange students.

Thursday, Aug. 20 (9 a.m.-noon) – Seniors/pictures.

Thursday, Aug. 20 (1-4 p.m.) – Juniors/pictures.

Friday, Aug. 21 (9 a.m.-noon) – Sophomores/pictures.

Friday, Aug. 21 (1-4 p.m.) – Freshmen/pictures.

Monday, Aug. 24 (9 a.m.-noon) – Registration make-up.

Thursday, Aug. 27 (6-8 p.m.) – “Freshman First” orientation (bring parents, schedule).

Costs are $5 for lock deposit, $25 for an activity ticket (optional) and $45 for a yearbook (optional). Students planning to participate in any activities are required to purchase a $50 activity ticket.

Students will need to pay fines they may have incurred in order to register.

Classes begin Monday, Aug. 31.

Student Pictures

Pictures will be taken on Thursday and Friday during registration (see above schedule). No hats or inappropriate dress wear. New and foreign-exchange student pictures will be taken on Thursday and Friday according to their grade status. Picture packet selection and pricing will be available at the time of registration.



Registration for Central School parents and students (both required to attend) is set for Thursday, Aug. 20 and Friday, Aug. 21. Classrooms will be open for orientation purposes. Parents will be asked to complete registration information. Teachers will be in the building and available for questions.

Thursday, Aug. 20 – 10 a.m. (seniors)

Thursday, Aug. 20 – 2 p.m. (juniors)

Friday, Aug. 21 – 10 a.m. (sophomores)

Friday, Aug. 21 – 2 p.m. (freshmen)

Classes begin Monday, Aug. 31.

Student Pictures

Students are asked to attend the photo session at Libby High School that corresponds with their grade level. Photos are used for student files and free identification cards. The purchase of various photo packages will be available. No hats or inappropriate dress wear.

Seniors – Thursday, Aug. 20, 9 a.m.-noon

Juniors – Thursday, Aug. 20, 1-3 p.m.

Sophomores – Friday, Aug. 21, 9 a.m.-noon

Freshmen – Friday, Aug. 21, 1-3 p.m.