Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Letter: Positive image seen around Libby

| August 13, 2009 12:00 AM

Dear Editor:

How many have noticed the huge, attractive Mineral Street sidewalks, lights, flowers and lawn improvements?

This, I believe, is a big plus for our town image. Being more attractive should help appeal to tourists and customers. It seems like the face of Libby has majored too long in job losses and asbestos.

So, let’s turn the corner with positive impacts such as the Mineral Street eagle, Montanore Mine jobs, Stinger bridge jobs, etc., and also the Streetscape project. Hurrah!

I understand the funding was through a special district fund, an outright $16,000 grant, the city lighting budget, as well as property owners chipping in. So, this was money that could not be used for other amenities such as a swimming pool, etc.

Hats off to the business owners, city council and all who helped make this happen. Special mention to Trent Oelberg who headed up Streetscape, worked tirelessly on all aspects and donated tons of time among other things. Thank you.

Robert Mast
