Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Aug. 5 Briefly

| August 4, 2009 12:00 AM

Little Chief Award seeks candidates

Youth who have exhibited leadership and citizenship qualities will have a chance to win a silver belt buckle at this year’s Lincoln County Fair.

Gordon Pirrie, of Western Outdoor, honors youth between the ages of 12-19 for serving their community by presenting the Little Chief Award each year. Participation in the contest is open to youth residing in Lincoln County. Applicants do not have to be 4-H members or participate in the county fair.

To be eligible for the buckle, applicants must submit an essay detailing his or her contributions to the community this year.

Applications will be judged in four parts:

• Projects and Activities

• Leadership Skills

• Citizenship and Community Service

• Content and Appearance.

A selection committee will review the applications and top candidates will be interviewed on Thursday during the fair. A winner will be chosen at that time.

Applications and details are available at the MSU Lincoln County Extension Office in Eureka or by calling 296-9019. All essays must be returned to the Extension office postmarked by Aug. 19. The buckle will be presented to the winner during the Lincoln County Youth Livestock Sale on Aug. 29.

Weight management program to begin

A LIFESTEPS Weight Management Program class begins in mid-August, St. John’s Lutheran Hospital announced.

The program is designed to teach small groups of adults to successfully take gradual steps toward changing their eating and physical activity behaviors.

“Most diets designed for rapid weight loss ignore basic nutrition principles and often lack nutritional adequacy,” said Nicole Kapan, registered dietician and LIFESTEPS Leader at St. John’s. “They also ignore a person’s individual preferences.”

An orientation session for the next LIFESTEPS class will be held on Thursday, Aug. 13 at 12:15 p.m. and 4 p.m., as well as Thursday, Aug. 20 at 12:15 p.m. and 4 p.m. in the St. John’s Lutheran Hospital Conference Center (401 E. Third St., Libby).

In the program, participants learn week by week about nutrition needs, portion sizes, the benefits of moderate physical activity and how to manage high-risk eating situations. The LIFESTEPS leader, a trained health professional, assists the participants in designing a realistic eating and physical activity plan.

In addition to the weekly group sessions, participants receive a workbook and other materials to help them along the way.

For more information, call Kapan at 293-0124.

Libby-Troy shelter joins cause to place pets

Kootenai Pets for Life is joining in celebrating Aug. 12 as “Adopt-a-Less-Adoptable-Pet Day.” , the largest online database of homeless pets, has designated Aug. 12 as a day for its over 12,500 member animal welfare organizations to focus on their hard-to-place pets.

Kootenai Pets For Life has a website at which gives information about KPFL, provides photos and list pets available for adoption. Not all pets are on the web listing at all times so KPFL suggests a phone call or visit to the shelter to get the latest information on pets available for adoption.

As of this past weekend, KPFL has three dogs characterized as less adoptable pets.

For those interested, call 295-KPFL (5735) and leave a message.

VA rep to visit Libby, Troy

A representative of the Montana Veterans Affairs Division out of Kalispell will be at Kootenai Senior Center in Troy and Libby Senior Citizens Center on Monday, Aug. 10.

Sherry Stewart, service officer, will be in Troy from 11 a.m.-noon and in Libby from 1:30-4 p.m. She will be available to assist veterans and their dependents that have questions regarding benefits.

For more information, call 406-755-3795.

Islam subject of study group

St. John Lutheran Church in Libby plans to begin a Wednesday evening study group about Islam, organizers announced.

The first meeting will be Aug. 5 from 7-8 p.m. at the church, located at 1024 Montana Ave. The meetings will continue in the coming weeks and attendance at the first meeting is not mandatory to join in.

For more information, call 293-4024.

‘Sesame Street’ coming to library

The Libby Public Library will present classic episodes of the children’s television program, “Sesame Street,” as part of its Cheap Date Movie program.

On Saturday, Aug. 8 at noon, “Sesame Street” season premiere episodes from 1969, 1970 and 1971 will be shown. On Saturday, Aug. 22 at noon, episodes from 1972, 1973 and 1974 will be featured.

Diabetes self-care programs available

St. John’s Nutrition and Diabetes Support Services will be presenting three classes in August.

“Diabetes Self-Care Education” will be Thursday, Aug. 6 from 4-6 p.m. “What to Eat? Carbohydrate Counting” will be Thursday, Aug. 13 from 4-5:30 p.m. “Keeping a Healthy Heart” will be Wednesday, Aug. 19 from 4-5:30 p.m.

Classes are held at at Christ Lutheran Church in Libby. Call 293-0124 to register.

Cancer support group to next meet Sept. 21

The Libby/Troy Cancer Support and Information Groups – sponsored free of charge by St. John’s Lutheran Hospital and co-facilitated by Linda Matthews and Laura Sedler – will not meet in August.

The next meeting will be Monday, Sept. 21 at 5 p.m. in Libby.

For more information, call Matthews, 293-0121 or Sedler, 293-0183.

Health center plans community barbecue

The Lincoln County Community Health Center is planning to host an outside community barbecue on Monday, Aug. 10 from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., in celebration of National Community Health Center Week.

The occasion will also mark the official change to the facility’s new name – Northwest Community Health Center.

The building is located at 320 E. Second St., in Libby.