Saturday, March 15, 2025

Letter: Offer helping hand in Troy for Christmas

| September 12, 2008 12:00 AM

Dear Editor:

It is again that time of year to ask for help from our community to help the children from Troy have a good Christmas.

I have organized the Give A Helping Hand Christmas Program for 28 years. Without the help of so many citizens and organizations in our community, I would not have been so successful in meeting the needs of the children who were signed up for help.

If you know anyone who needs to sign up their children for a need and a want, please have them contact me at my home phone number (listed below).

Anyone wishing to sign up their children on the program, the parents or legal guardians must bring the following information to me in writing:

• Name of child, age, gender.

• One want and one need and clothing sizes.

• Bring proof of eligibility. Anyone is eligible to apply for help if they have low income, debt from medical bills or emergency needs.

• Name of parent, address and phone number.

• Thank-you notes stamped and given to me sealed to send out after they receive the gifts.

We always need many rolls of wrapping paper, tape and bows as well as “fill-in” gifts to balance out the packages for each family.

We schedule each family to come pick up the gifts and Santa hands out bags of candy to each child on the program. We do not allow anyone to bring children not signed up on the program to avoid hurt feelings.

Any support you could give us would be appreciated. The bank account number for donations is: 102124882 at First National Bank. The nonprofit tax ID number is: 81-0473829. To reach me, call 295-4542.

Fran Stanton
