Monday, September 16, 2024

Windom plans to stay on through election

by Brad Fuqua Western News
| September 4, 2008 12:00 AM

Retirement parties for Lincoln County commissioner Rita Windom apparently need to be rescheduled.

After a spirited discussion Wednesday morning involving who may fill her seat, Libby’s representative on the board rescinded her Sept. 30 resignation and said she will serve until Nov. 15 – the Saturday following Election Day.

“I would’ve preferred that this was a smooth transition and it’s not going to happen,” Windom said, later adding. “By that time, the election will have occurred and be adjudicated and the new commissioner can move forward.”

The Lincoln County Republican Central Committee met Tuesday night and vice chairman Alvin Benitz told the board that the group supported Tony Berget to fill Windom’s seat upon her departure. As requested by commissioners, Benitz submitted three names for consideration – Berget, himself and Jerry Okonski. But he said support was 100 percent in favor of Berget.

“As commissioner (Marianne) Roose said, there’s no point to it, the people have spoken,” Benitz said. “So, this is a second chance for a candidate which there’s the right to do, but we need to support her (Windom) and Tony. Tony won the election, he is our candidate and I really felt it would be good for him to get in there a month or so early and get a running start at it.”

Roose, who represents Eureka, and John Konzen, who represents Troy, did not see eye-to-eye on the issue. Roose made a motion to approve Berget’s appointment but Konzen wanted to take the issue under advisement and interview candidates.

“Tony is the Republican Central Committee’s first choice but more importantly, Tony won that election by the voters in Lincoln County,” Roose said, referring to the primary election in June. “It was not decided by the number of votes but the majority. In my mind, the voters chose Tony Berget.”

Berget won the primary with 25.7 percent of the vote compared to Okonski’s 24.3 percent. Both are on the ballot for the November general election with Okonski recently filing to appear as a write-in candidate.

Roose said it was important to have someone in place when Windom leaves the job, especially because of her work with the roads department. She also felt that in fairness to everybody, the board needed to make a decision and move on. Konzen felt the timing was perfect for allowing the election process to take place and that the board could survive for a month with the two remaining members.

“I still think Libby needs its own representative,” Roose said. “I feel strongly about that.”

Benitz agreed and said the post needed to be filled.

“With the day-to-day business of the county commissioners, we felt just having our constituents have a place to go to voice their opinion during this interim is very, very important,” Benitz said. “Having somebody here full-time, bringing problems to the board from the community, we do feel that’s important.”

With Windom’s announcement, all of those comments become a moot point.

“It’s unfortunate that Rita has to delay her retirement,” Benitz said after the meeting. “She had been looking forward to this and had very good support from the Republican Club Š She needs a breath of fresh air and that’s what the Republicans tried to do.”

After hearing the disagreements between Roose and Konzen, Windom stepped in.

“It appears somewhat divisive in the Republican Party and that’s unfortunate and something I’m not comfortable with and apparently today, it’s divisive as well,” Windom said.

Windom said she checked with legal counsel before rescinding her resignation. She added that she would be in daily communication despite challenges involving doctor’s appointments.

“I think under the circumstances here this morning, I don’t think we have any choice,” she said.

So, now, it appears that the issue will not be decided until November. Benitz said the Republican Central Committee would put all its weight behind Berget.

“We as a club and also as a central committee – which are two different agencies – are supporting Tony and we’re going to be putting our money into there. Jerry has the right to do all of what he’s doing but he doesn’t have the core support of the Republicans.”

Okonski did have support from some precinct representatives who had voted for him in the primary. Benitz pointed out that he’s not a declared Republican.

“When you get 25 precinct people in a room and have a good discussion – it got heated and I was chairman – it’s tough to sit in on those types of meetings because everybody’s Republican and it’s still difficult,” Benitz said about Tuesday.

If election results again favor Berget in the general election, he would vacate his post as mayor and his replacement would be appointed by the City Council.

Charlene Leckrone could be a possible choice because of her role as council chairperson. She currently takes over the job if Berget cannot fulfill his duties. Berget said at this time, council member Doug Roll is also interested if the mayor position opens up.