Letter: Creek project called EPA's latest fiasco
Dear Editor:
Have you noticed the latest fiasco being performed by the illustrious EPA on the bank of Granite Creek?
If I had not seen it with my own eyes, I would not have believed it. It is completely beyond comprehension. Every one of their projects is unbelievable but this fiasco tops them all. I'm sure with their little gadget they attempt to find some shred of this deadly material. It must have a needle that moves or just maybe they have a button to push to make it wiggle but this project takes the cake.
I cannot believe anyone in their right mind with any common sense believes any harm could have happened to man or beast if the rocks were not removed.
Libby should be booming with all the millions being spent here but it is not and the reason being it's all leaving with the out-of-town contractors. I have asked for an accounting of monies spent and the percentage of Libby workers vs. out-of-town but you know that's not going to happen.
For the tens of millions that have been wasted, Libby could have been demolished and completely rebuilt ' new homes, new sewers, new streets and all the things we really need.
This monstrosity of government bureaucrats will keep looking for ways and places to waste more money and line the pockets of the out-of-town contractors and maybe a few others but they are really going to have to dig deep to come up with another project as far out and waste as much money as this one. Give them time though, they will keep trying.
The sad thing is the people who worked in the mine and who are really hurting have not received a penny of the money wasted.
Garman V. Guthrie