Saturday, March 15, 2025


| November 17, 2008 11:00 PM

The Western News

Troy ambulance to stage EMT class

Troy Volunteer Ambulance announced plans to conduct an EMT class starting Jan. 6.

To join the class, call 295-6505 for more information.

Christmas Is For Kids announces drop-off site

Christmas Is For Kids announced the location of its drop-off as Rent Pro Property Management, 321 Dakota Ave., in Libby.

Christmas Is For Kids is a local organization that distributes toys and other gifts to children and families in need at Christmas.

For information, call 293-7613.

Food pantry to hand out Thanksgiving baskets

The Libby Food Pantry plans to hand out Thanksgiving baskets on Friday, Nov. 21, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., to all qualified members, coordinator Kathy Lauer announced.

To be eligible to receive a basket, individuals or families must be preregistered with the food pantry.

Troy VFW Junior Girls planning food drive

The VFW Junior Girls in Troy are planning a door-to-door food drive on Thursday, Nov. 20 from 6:30-7:30 p.m., in the Troy area.

The unit, which includes girls ages 5-14, will use the groceries for a raffle to help a VFW Auxiliary member who needs surgery and has no insurance.

The winning ticket will be drawn at the Boy Scout Christmas Bazaar at Morrison Elementary School in Troy on Saturday, Dec. 6.

The girls will also be asking for donations at the bazaar for the items they made using the “Buddy poppy” to get funds for a chord of firewood for a local disabled veteran.

To donate food items ahead of time or for pickup, call Fran Stanton at 295-4542.

Tobacco Quit Kits available this week

Barb Guthneck of Libby Community Interagencies will be giving out free “Tobacco Quit Kits” through Saturday as part of Great American Smokeout Week.

The kits will be available at Libby and Troy grocery stores, or they can be picked up from medical care providers throughout the county (until supplies are gone).

Also, those who call the Montana Tobacco Quit Line (800-QUIT NOW) to sign up for free phone counseling will receive a free nicotine patch, gum or lozenges.

Hospital offers driver safety program

St. John’s Lutheran Hospital has joined the American Association of Retired persons to offer a 55 Alive Driver Safety Program.

AARP developed the eight-hour classroom refresher course to help drivers 50 years of age or older to improve their skills and prevent accidents.

The AARP 55 Alive Driver Safety Program is designed to meet the specific needs of older drivers. It offers age related physical changes, declining perceptual skills, rules of the road, local driving problems and license renewal requirements. Volunteer instructors recruited and trained by AARP conduct the course, which is presented through a combination of slide presentations and group discussions. There is no written exam. The course instructors will be Joyce Goss and Rick Hunting.

The next two-session course will be held on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 24-25 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. each day at Libby Christian Church, located across the river at 100 Kootenai River Road.

The fee for the course is $10, payable at the first class session (check or money orders only). Participants may also register by calling Cindy Peek with St. John’s at 293-0100 ext 0, Monday through Friday.

Registration is limited.

Brain injury group to establish council

Montana’s Traumatic Brain Injury Implementation Partnership Grant’s project coordinator will be in Libby on Wednesday, Dec. 10 in an effort to help create a new community council that will serve Libby, Troy and Eureka.

Ian Elliot, TBI project coordinator, said one of the goals of the grant is to create a sustainable system for “localized systemic change, professional collaboration, support, education, advocacy and outreach.” Those will attend the Dec. 10 meeting will help the group reach that goal.

The meeting is scheduled to run from 9:30-11:30 a.m., at the Venture Inn.

For more information, call Elliot at 888-866-3622 or 406-657-2313, or e-mail: .

Mrs. Montana Pageant seeks applicants

The Mrs. Montana Pageant, State Preliminary to Mrs. America, is seeking applicants for the title of Mrs. Libby to represent her community in the 2009 pageant, Sheree Channel, executive state director, announced.

Once selected, the applicant will advance to compete in the Mrs. Montana Pageant to be held July 11 at the Petro Theatre in Billings. Applicants must be 18 years old (no age limit), married, a U.S. citizen and a Montana resident. No performing talent required.

The new Mrs. Montana wins a prize package valued at more than $8,000 and an all-expense paid trip to the nationally televised Mrs. America Pageant.

To obtain the official application or to receive more information, call Channel at 877-631-4447 or go online to: .

Pranic healing clinic next meets in January

The Pranic healing free clinic will not be held in November or December because of  the holidays.

Call Lisa Mountain at 295-8134 for more information.

Holiday food drive under way in Libby

The Lincoln County Republicans’ 19th Christmas Food Roundup is under way for the Libby Food Pantry.

Volunteer and chairperson Charlotte Woods said she will be contacting local businesses and individuals for monetary donations that will be deposited in the LFP Roundup account at Glacier Bank. Food and treats for the Christmas baskets are purchased locally.

Individual contributions of choice may also be left with Linda Gerard at the Venture Inn. Food items must be non-perishable.

For more information, call Woods at 293-3447.

Stakeholders’ agenda full for Nov. 20 meeting

The Kootenai Forest Stakeholders Coalition is planning to meet on Thursday, Nov. 20 at 6 p.m., at Flathead Valley Community College in Libby.

The agenda includes information on the Young-Dodge project, the Three Rivers’ Sparring Bull project, Flower Creek Reservoir, the Meadows and Galton project at Fortine and various committee reports. The coalition will also discuss the review of projects over the forest landscape and “balance or imbalance of influence” within working groups or teams. Salvage sale protocol is also on the agenda.

Reserve space for arts, crafts show in Troy

The Christmas Arts and Crafts Show hosted by Boy Scout Troop 1924 in Troy is scheduled for Dec. 6 at Morrison Elementary School.

Organizers are seeking participants to reserve their space as soon as possible. The cost is $20 per space.

To register, call 295-4206 or stop by the Troy Community Baptist Church.

Fundraiser to help Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity board members and volunteers from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will be wearing Habitat T-shirts and bagging groceries at Rosauer’s in Libby on Tuesday, Nov. 25, as part of a fundraising effort.

Rosauer’s will allow customers to add a donation to Habitat for Humanity on their grocery bill. The store will match the first $500 donated and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will match the next $500. All donations are tax deductible.

Habitat for Humanity partners with low-income families to provide affordable housing. Since it began in the Kootenai Valley in 1996, the affiliate has built seven new homes.

Fall Jam Session coming to River Bend

The Fall Jam Session hosted by the Sheldon Mountain Boys is slated for Nov. 29 at the River Bend near Libby.

Sheldon Mountain Boys will play from 7-8 p.m., with an open mic jam to follow from 8 p.m.-closing. Donations for the Libby Food Pantry will be accepted. For more information, call 293-4536.