Sunday, March 16, 2025

Hillary leads in votes

| May 30, 2008 12:00 AM

Would you believe Hillary Clinton leads in popular vote? The media isn't telling you, but she is.

All along the race has gone back and forth. In January, Hillary and Obama traded wins. Then Hillary won more contests on Super Tuesday. After Super Tuesday, Obama won several. Then the DNC leadership wanted it over. The media was tired because they'd started their coverage a whole year before the contest even started. But Hillary knew it wasn't over.

Since March 1, she's won more contests including: Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, West Virginia and Kentucky. She's won 500,000 more votes than Obama. She'll beat him June 1 in Puerto Rico and lead by more than half million votes. Have you heard any of this from the media? Do you remember that in February, Obama himself declared the party could not deny the nomination to the person who wins the most popular votes?

So why should she drop out? Would you quit if you were winning? Would you quit if you were winning and your opponent had said, whoever wins the most votes should get the nomination? You'd be a fool.

Hillary played a defensive game the first half of this contest. Now she's playing offense and her offense is beating Obama's. Do not allow party elites to hand Obama the nomination when he's won fewer votes. And certainly don't allow them to hand him the nomination because he led in the first half of this contest.

Hillary didn't give up. She's winning. She stood up for voters. Voters stood up for her. Montana stand up for her, too. Tell party leaders and superdelegates, at the end when it counts, Hillary's the winner and should not be denied the nomination.

Mary Opitz
