Sunday, March 16, 2025

Tennis pros in the making at camp

by Hope Nealson Western News
| June 20, 2008 12:00 AM

June’s tennis sessions are under way at the Libby High School courts, with Corky Teska teaching youngsters and adults — just like he has so many summers past.

“I’ve been doing this forever,” Teska said. “The kids are just amazing.”

The hour-long sessions span five days each month, with Teska teaching not only tennis skills such as their swing, but counting balls and coordination.

Some parents are familiar fixtures next to the courts, chatting and relaxing in the sun as they watch their children practice.

This is Betty Jo Wood’s third year to enroll her son, Jay Beagle, in the $25 tennis program; he has attended since he was 4 years old.

“He just loves it,” Wood said. “It’s a lifelong sport and I think it’s important to start them at a young age so they can have that relationship with a coach.”

Doreen Gruber, the mother of tennis student Emma Gruber, agreed, noting it teaches the kids respect from someone other than a parent or teacher.

“From year to year you see the progress,” she said. “The interaction with Corky as they get older is great. (Emma) looks forward to practice.”

Teska currently has openings for July and August. Anyone interested should call him at 293-6249, as they are filling up.