Sunday, March 16, 2025

What are the costs really?

| January 24, 2008 11:00 PM

To the Editor:

At present, there is a plan and preparation to establish and open another casino. Coming in the rear of his newest venture would be casino machines and liquor license. The plans are to open an additional casino within the Libby Shopping Center, across the street from Asa Wood Elementary School.

Question I ask, Does the "City of Eagles" need yet another casino? The telephone book indicates Troy has one casino and Eureka has three. I believe Libby residents can find at least 10 establishments in Libby for casino activity. I challenge anyone to share with me any positive good a person or community gleans from alcohol and gambling. I have witnessed several tourists (future residents) taking photos of our eagle sculptures. Yet I've never seen a future resident photographing our casinos! When is enough, enough?

Our good community, for the past few years, has been enjoying a renaissance with business expansion and remodel, as well as home owner improvements throughout our town. The results have my accolades and are uplifting and beneficial for all citizens.

I am first, to applaud leadership in business ventures that provide wholesome recreation. Also, leadership in pursuing businesses and ventures that add positively to the needs and beauty of our area are commendable and exemplary. I thank them for these ventures. I have and will continue to support the endeavors that are for the betterment of our community in its entirety.

I completed an application and questionnaire for a national multi-billion dollar franchise yesterday. I was asked, and pleased, to list in order of importance to me, as requested by the franchise the following six items: family, mental, financial, spiritual, social and physical.

This is not my personal order of importance as I noted on their application, only the sequence of their questions. How would you rank these points for your personal order of importance? Business conscious has a responsibility to its patrons that validates these questions.

I believe we leave our mark by what we build, with history measuring the results. Good business has a community responsibility to provide services and goods that add positively to the tapestry and culture of the community it shares. Woven within this tapestry needs to be threads of promise, hope and trust, helping to build, uplift and support its citizens. It must offer to its resident's opportunities to "pick and choose" as they will. Possibly some may argue "Ted is self-serving, not desiring an additional casino near his businesses."

Here is a reality check. We are all self-serving! Who does not have his own agenda? I have no stones to throw at casino patrons or owners and believe the land of opportunity must provide equally for citizens alike.

I have enjoyed many meals in the restaurants of several of our local casinos and plan to do so in the future. Within our personal self-serving desires do we seek for that which "is virtuous, lovely and of good report?"

Do we have within our desires a need to serve others? Are we willing and can we, as a community, move forward with new, (not another cup of watered down JO), and vibrant establishments that bring out what is good for and of its citizen? We need and must find and build upon new and fresh ideas, not another casino!

I am willing and anxious to work with you and others to bring fresh ideas and business that add real positive value to our community, helping fill our needs, while building a brighter future for all alike.

Ted Werner
