Saturday, March 15, 2025

Supporting our troops

| February 26, 2008 11:00 PM

To the Editor:

I would like to ask and enlist the help of all Montana people to support and show appreciation to all our troops.

My son Spc. Chris Evans is on his second tour in Iraq. He was suppose to be discharged this May and was a victim of President Bush's stoploss program as were many of our soldiers.

Needless to say he's had to change his plans and is now apart from his wife since last November for another 15-month tour. Bummer huh?

He is putting his life on the line for all of the world not just America. His base was attacked last week and I believe seven more people were killed and others were wounded. This is a common event and causes a lot of stress and anxiety, never knowing when, where or how an enemy attack will come.

He is stationed in Camp Liberty right in Baghdad. When he left this time, his one wish was that he would never have to kill another person.

He has lived through roadside bombs, RPG's whizzing past his head, and sniper fire, during his last tour.

This tour is more of the same. He is just one of the thousands of troops both male and female putting their lives on line in a country far from home answering the call from their country.

I am asking and pleading that the people of this area support our troops by sending a letter thanking the soldiers and sharing a little of your life with them. Even better send a package (a flat rate package stuffed with goodies, such as jerky, candies, what ever you like, photos, and stories of our area, homemade cookies anything to remind them you care. The flat rate boxes cost $8.95 and include the shipping costs and they are available at the post office.

This act of kindness on your part would demonstrate that we do appreciate the sacrifices made by our soldiers. My son's troop has approximately 90 soldiers and it would be great if we could send enough letters and packages every couple months so that each one gets a reminder from home that we care.

Please address them to my son and he will distribute them with everyone in his troop.. his address is as follows:

SPC. Chris Evans

A Troop, 4-10 CAV, 3BCT, 4ID

Unit # 43008 FOB Camp Liberty

APO AE 09344-3008

Anyone having questions may contact me at my home phone (406) 293-4013.

May God bless our Soldiers.

Don Evans
