Saturday, March 15, 2025

Dec. 17 Briefly

| December 17, 2008 11:00 PM

New Year’s Eve event for youth organized

The Epic New Year’s Bash at the Libby Middle School gymnasium for youth in grades 6 through 12 will run on New Year’s Eve from 7:30 p.m.-12:30 a.m.

The event includes several events, including a Halo 3 tournament, 3-on-3 basketball tournament, Dance, Dance, Revolution, bungee run/joust, pizza and more.

For details, call 291-0944 or 293-1917.

Air quality meeting with DEQ is Thursday

The Department of Environmental Quality and representatives from associated agencies will be on hand for an informational meeting about Libby-area air quality issues on Thursday, Dec. 18 at 7 p.m.

The meeting will be staged in the Little Theatre in Libby.

Flu shots available at Rosauers on Dec. 19

St. John’s Lutheran Hospital is offering flu shots at Rosauers in Libby on Friday, Dec. 19 from 3-6 p.m.

The cost is $20 with payment by cash, check or Medicare.

Amy Smart of Lincoln County Public Health said the first case of true seasonal influenza in Montana was confirmed on Dec. 4. As of last week, no cases had been confirmed in Lincoln County.

“In 2007, the first case of influenza in our community was identified on Christmas Eve,” Smart said. “The peak of the season was late February through the end of March.”

Smart reported that about 4,000 county residents have been vaccinated so far this year.

Besides the Rosauers event, Lincoln County Public Health, Libby Clinic and the Community Health Center are also still offering flu shots. Call for an appointment: Lincoln County Health Department, 293-2660; Libby Clinic, 293-8711; and Community Health Center: 293-3755.

Santa to appear under Troy tree on Dec. 24

The Troy Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary will present “Santa Under the Troy Tree” on Wednesday, Dec. 24 from 4:30-6 p.m.

Santa’s helpers will be on hand to give each child a sack with an apple, orange and candy canes.

Santa at Rosauers on Dec. 20

Santa Claus will be visiting Rosauers in Libby on Saturday, Dec. 20 from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Pictures will be available for $5. All proceeds will benefit Relay for Life.

Cross country skiing ready on South Flower

The Kootenai Cross Country Ski Club has announced that the South Flower Trail off Flower Creek Road has 10 inches of snow at the gate and 16 inches at the top of the clear cut. The trail has been groomed and is ready for the season.

The first night skiing will take place on the South Flower trail Saturday, Dec. 20 from sundown to 8:30 p.m. Lanterns will light the way.

The club will also host its annual meeting Jan. 5 at 7 p.m. in the First National Bank community room. 

For more information, call Greg or Susie Rice at 291-5173.

Family Birth Services announces classes

Family Birth Services in Libby is making plans for a class on newborn care and breastfeeding on Wednesday, Dec. 31 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m.

A class entitled “CPR for the Family” is coming Wednesday, Jan. 28.

Family Birth Services also has its regular free “tea and talk” class on the last Wednesday each month. Everyone is welcome to visit with other moms while learning and enjoying tea and snacks.

For more information, call Joyce Vogel, certified professional midwife, at 291-3292 or 293-4253.

Science Circus coming to Libby on Jan. 9

The Libby Elementary School Parent Council announced that it is bringing in Science Circus on Jan. 9 at the Asa Wood gymnasium.

The University of Montana program will educate and entertain students during the day and then open up to the general public on the evening of Friday, Jan. 9, from 6-8 p.m. The cost will be $2.

Troy plans its 5th Quarter party

The Troy Trojan Booster Club invites all students in seventh grade through college to attend the 5th Quarter Christmas Party on Saturday, Dec. 20 following the local high school basketball games.

Activities include a “White Elephant Gag Gift Exchange,” games, juggling exhibition and food. For the gift exchange, participants should not buy a present but bring it from home and be creative and funny with the gag (for example, Preparation H, old holey underwear, false teeth, etc.).

Parents who would like to help with the event are also invited.

Program to distribute groceries on Dec. 19

The Commodities Surplus Food Program will distribute food on Friday, Dec. 19 from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at the Libby VFW post.

All seniors and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) enrollees who have been approved for the program are asked to pick up their groceries at that time. The program is low on boxes and asks that recipients bring at least one box approximately the size of an apple box.

For more information, call 293-7316.

Santa to appear at Libby VFW on Dec. 21

Santa Claus will make another appearance in Libby – this time at the VFW post. Santa will be available to children on Sunday, Dec. 21 from 2-4 p.m.

Elks schedules event for Dec. 18

The annual Elks Christmas event in Libby is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 18 at 7 p.m.

Santa and Mrs. Claus will be on hand with gifts for children. Baked treats, hot coffee and cocoa will be served. Bring a camera for pictures.

The Elks Lodge, Fathers and Families Making Changes, and Families In Partnership sponsor the event.

Chamber provides info on Libby Bucks dates

The Libby Area Chamber of Commerce announced that it has printed new Libby Bucks for the community. In relation, the chamber urges people to pay close attention to expiration dates. Some current Libby Bucks expire this month while the new Libby Bucks do not expire until December 2009.

The chamber will not be able to honor any expired Libby Bucks after Jan. 1.

Baptist church in Troy hosting holiday dinner

The Troy Community Baptist Church announced its plans for a free community Christmas dinner on Saturday, Dec. 20.

The dinner, open to all, will be staged from 3-6 p.m.

Troy ambulance to stage EMT class

Troy Volunteer Ambulance announced plans to conduct an EMT class starting Jan. 6.

To join the class, call 295-6505 for more information.