Saturday, March 15, 2025

Take time on area roadways

| April 17, 2008 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

Speaking for myself, I am a winter person. The beautiful snow-covered landscape seems peaceful and worth the hassle of the extra work and hardship living in a winter zone brings to all of us.

After a Sunday drive from Yaak to Libby, then home, by way of Troy, I noticed numerous deer that had been killed along the roadways.

I realize sometimes they seem to come out of nowhere at break neck speed and there is no way to avoid the damage of dented vehicles and dead deer.

But I always wonder in our busy world with all the modern equipment and hurried schedules, if we aren’t sometimes to blame.

A little more time, a little slower speed, and undivided attention to the roadway and what is around may help.

Our four-legged friends may not have enjoyed the snowy landscape as much as I, and every spring brings them to roadways and the very first green tinges of grass and often death.

I urge everyone to exercise a little extra caution.

Remember the life you save may be your own.

Thoughts of springtime.

Linda Stehlik
