Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Nothing but praise for yard cleanup

| September 26, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

I am writing today to thank all those hard working individuals that helped in cleaning up and restoring our property to the beautiful condition it is today.

Our story, as so many others in town, did not start out real smooth.

We went through 6+ years of "yes, your property needs to be cleaned… no, not this year… maybe next year."

Late June we were informed our property was slated for clean up July '07.

I was asked "Will this work for you?"… I was not about to say "no" even though within the month we had had a death and a major surgery of family members who's home is on our property.

Our CIC and Environmental Restoration worked with us, starting on the front half of the property and allowing my family member two additional weeks at home.

So we moved out and the work began.

I have to say I had a few "oh my" moments and mini meltdowns as I watched our property go from an OK place to looking like an atomic bomb had hit it during the removal process.

But, once ER began hauling in fill and topsoil it did not take long for our property to once again look civilized.

When we returned to our home…"WOW" was the only word that came to mind. I could hardly believe this was the same property we had left five weeks prior. The employees of ER had transformed our property. It looked great and all we had was dirt!

Since then our sod and hydro seed have been laid, most of our trees and plants have been planted and our property is unbelievable.

My only concern now is the possibility of a car accident, due to the drivers staring as they drive by.

Job well done goes out to all the ER workers, Jessica, Rhea and her crew and all the others that worked on our property behind the scene.

A special thank you goes out to Gary E.

Thank you for a job well done!

Sarah Hogan
