Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Seeking more answers and a little less propaganda

| September 12, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

Concerning Mike Crills' letter on asbestos found in still borns and placentas, etc. Scary stuff. Where was this found? Next to an asbestos mine (yes, Canada and others still mine asbestos). Down wind from a ship salvage yard? Lots of asbestos around pipes for heat transfer and on bulk heads for fireproofing.

I don't think any of those studies were done in Libby? If so, please educate me. If not, please try for a little more science, and a little less emotive politicking.

And check your blood pressure. A silent killer too. And lead paint. And Red Dye in meats and fruits. And pesticides not used correctly. And West Nile virus. And way too much processed sugar in everything. And antifreeze in Chinese toothpaste. It's almost medieval out there?

Maybe we should start selling Indulgences again? Or, in the alternative, more science with a touch of Corporate-Government-Union personal responsibility and moral awareness. And lawyers should have to take a test on Kantian Philosophy every five years in order to tune up their moral compass.

Rob Uithof
