Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Changes are necessary in the Montana Board of Livestock

| September 12, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

I have attended several meetings lately discussing bison management and the Governor's proposed "buffer zone" idea. I've been left wondering, where is the Board of Livestock in all of this?

The Board has served livestock producers in Montana as the head of the Department of Livestock for over 100 years.

Today, the absence of the Board in key discussions and decisions on matters that are crucial to the Montana livestock industry leaves me scratching my head.

Why hasn't the Board been involved in discussions of the proposed "buffer zone" around Yellowstone National Park—including the Governor's meeting with Dr. John Clifford, the head USDA veterinarian, discussing the steps the state would have to take to implement a buffer zone?

Why was no one from the Board aware of the Hinchey Amendment to provide funding for a buffer zone in the Ag Appropriations Bill in Washington D.C. until after it was voted down?

Why did the announcement of the cattle brucellosis incident come out of the Governor's office?

Why were the 57 head of bison that remained outside the Park in late May hauled back into the Park after the Board had voted to send them to slaughter?

Who is running this show? The Board of Livestock? Or is the Department being micromanaged by the administration?

The Board of Livestock cannot continue to sit idly by as important decisions are made. It is high time the Board members take the reins and stand up for the livestock producers they are supposed to represent.

Bill Myers

Montana Stockgrowers Association Cattle Health Committee

Reed Point, Mont.