Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Thanking the community for support

| September 5, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

This letter is to thank the people who helped distribute the petition to stop the address changes and all those who signed it. My thanks also to the 40 plus people who attended the meeting with the commissioners. It was heartening to see so many people of like minds gather to support all of our efforts.

We collected well over 300 signatures in a week. After the public meeting on Aug. 22 with the commissioners, we came to the conclusion that right or wrong, the address changes are going to happen.

On the whole we still don't agree with the method of measuring from the city limits rather from a fixed point within the city. It is a certainty that as Libby grows and expands the city limits, the measurements will be off and all the addresses will have to be changed again and again.

Commissioner Konzen, acting chairman, made it clear that the project is in motion, the equipment purchased and installed and it will continue to move forward to conclusion.

I'm hoping the businesses most impacted by the changes will continue to make their wishes known and perhaps seek legal advice.

Registered voters and potential voters - the next time you go to the poles keep in mind any occasions when you've observed or experienced smarmy, underhanded and sneaky behavior. Do your part to stamp out pollution.

Patty Crow
