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Agencies seeking public comments on Troy Mine Reclamation Plan

| October 24, 2007 12:00 AM

The Kootenai National Forest (KNF) and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) are seeking public comments prior to preparing an environmental assessment (EA) for the Revised Reclamation Plan for the Troy Mine. An open house informational and scoping meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 30 at the Senior Citizens Center in Troy from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Public input is important to identify any concerns with the proposed plan.

Genesis, Inc. has submitted a revised plan for reclamation when the mine ceases operations, estimated to be in approximately six years. The plan describes their proposals for closure of facilities, revegetation, water management, and maintenance/monitoring. It includes a modification to the adit water management plan, reclamation cap for the tailings impoundment, identification of new soil borrow areas for the reclamation cap, modification of seed mixes, incorporation of wetlands and open ponds to be left at closure, and incorporation of more expansive weed control and weed prevention measures. In addition, the decant ponds would be used to capture storm water runoff from the impoundment after closure and the toe ponds would be retained to capture dike runoff and ground water seepage.

The Troy Mine is located on both public and private lands approximately 15 miles south of Troy on U.S. Highway 56. The mine consists of an underground mine, mill and office facilities, tailings and water pipelines, power line, tailings impoundment, and associated support facilities. The tailings facility and associated disturbances lie completely within the 780 acres of private land. The tailings and water pipelines and the power line are within USFS land and private land owned by Genesis Inc. and other private landowners.

Copies of the Troy Mine Revised Reclamation Plan are available for review at the KNF Supervisors Office, 1101 Hwy 2 West in Libby and at the DEQ Environmental Management Bureau, 1520 East 6th Ave. in Helena. Hard copies are also available for review at the public library in Troy and at the Three Rivers Ranger District, 1437 Hwy 2 West in Troy. An electronic version can be viewed online at KNF Web page at: www.fs.fed.us/r1/kootenai/resources/minerals/index.shtml and the DEQ website at www.deq.mt.gov.

Comments concerning the proposed action must be postmarked by Dec. 28, 2007, to be considered in the draft environmental document. The draft EA is expected by August 2008, and the final EA by February 2009.

Written comments should be sent to Paul Bradford, Forest Supervisor, Troy Mine Reclamation Project, Kootenai National Forest, 1101 U.S. Hwy 2 West, Libby, MT 59923, or e-mailed to: comments_northern_kootenai@fs.fed.us with "Troy Mine Revised Reclamation Plan" in the subject line. All comments must contain name of commenter, postal service address, and date of comment. A copy on a computer generated CD should accompany all written comments over one page in length.