Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Where has all the money gone?

| October 17, 2007 12:00 AM

To the Editor:

I thought all you in Libby diagnosed with asbestos and waiting for justice and compensation would be interested in the following. Since 1999 over 100 people have died in Libby waiting.

1. In 2007- over $1 billion was fought over from surplus taxes paid to the state. Note: The State of Montana is also being sued with W.R. Grace for allowing W.R. Grace to poison us.

2. In 2008, over $1 billion will be fought over from surplus taxes paid to the state.

3. Since 1999/2000 W.R. Grace has spent over $90 million defending their trial, appeals, etc.

4. At least $160 billion has been sitting in an asbestos trust fund waiting for one judge to decide when to pay us our compensation.

5. W.R. Grace was caught trying to hide $6 billion from us.

6. Since 1999, W.R. Grace and others have remained in business making billions every year.

7. Since 1999, over $180 million has been spent on Libby clean up. Today Libby is neither clean nor safe.

8. Over $1 million was given to CARD/Hospital by W.R. Grace.

9. Over $6 million in grants was given to the University of Montana to study Libby. Study what?

10. Millions have been spent on grants in Libby for Libby or should I say, a chosen few.

11. $54 million paid to the Environmental Protection Agency by W.R. Grace as a fine.

12. 1 trillion has been spent on the Iraq War.

13. To us in Libby dead and dying? Not a dimeā€¦ I am really getting angry. Aren't you? Feel forgotten? How about worthless? Something is not right here. Nothing has been right,for us. How about it?

Another bit of information many of you need to be made aware of pretaining to the contaminated water beneath your feet. Many homes in and around the old plywood plant, when the water rises during runoff and those basements fill up with water, what do you think is being left when the water is gone?

I'm not going to tell you, go have the health department or someone you can trust to test the air and soil in that basement. Especially if you have children playing/living in that basement. Not to mention those gases don't stay in your basements. This also was an issue I brought to the proper authorities who did nothing. And you all have a good day. Your welcome.

Mike Crill
