Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Stop the nonsense of change

| October 11, 2007 12:00 AM

Letter to the Editor:

Commissioners: Stop this 911 addressing nonsense, just do what is right.

The 300 petition signatures and the 40 plus people at the Aug. 22 meeting protesting the (2 years in the making) 911 address changes are telling you, commissioners; John Konzen-(Troy), Rita Windom-(Libby) and Marianne Roose-(Eureka); that it's not a done deal. We the people "out in the woods" some 7 to 15 thousand of us, are not pleased with your arbitrariness to the tax payers/voters.

Patty Crow's letter of Aug. 8, spelled out the truth of the matter and a solution. John and Lynn Hancock's letter of Sept. 5 made the point that not everyone has a telephone. John Herman's letter Sept. 3 explained that the 7,000 address changes multiply up to 15,000 people "out in the woods" who will be hurt financially; not less than $100 each, which adds up to $1,500,000 over the next year. I too wrote about the urban millions that surround Denver, that the database computer system properly used saved those people from even buying a 41 cent postage stamp. A Missoulian article outlined a geo-positioning technology that the forest service fire fighters use to map lightening strikes so the crews can put out fires before they spread, and yes they do this without mileage markers. Fancy that!

The first world war ace Eddy Rickenbacker, was lost with his air crew in the Pacific during the second world war. They were weeks finding them. With today's global-positioning they would have found them to 15 feet and as fast as a plankorship could get to them. Oh, and there aren't any road markers in the oceans, at least I never saw any from the bridge of our ship during the Korean War.

This nonsense our three Lincoln County commissioners have pushed, for two years now, needs to be canceled as it is nonsense! Just do what is right, or the bear will get all three of you come your next election day.

Freeman Johnson
