Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Outsourcing American jobs and economically blackmailing the U.S.

| October 5, 2007 12:00 AM

According to Dennis L. Cuddy in an article posted to NewsWithViews.com over 3 million Americans have lost manufacturing jobs since George W. Bush became President.

In addition, corporations are using H1B visas to train foreigners here, and then send them home to train others, so more American jobs can be outsourced.

According to Phyllis Schlafly's "New Awakening About Free Trade" report (April 18, 2007): "CISCO Systems, the leading maker of communications equipment, will have 20% of its talent in India within 5 years, and global consulting giant Accenture will have more employees in India than in the U.S. by the end of this year.

IBM reduced its American workforce by 31,000 while increasing its Indian staff by 52,000. CitiGroup, which already has 22,000 employees in India, plans to eliminate 26,000 jobs in the U.S. and increase its Asian workforce by another 10,000 where the pay is lower." In a Wall Street Journal article, "Job Prospects: Pain from Free Trade Spurs Second Thoughts" (March 28, 2007) by David Wessel and Bob Davis, even free trade proponent Professor Alan Blinder now acknowledges that 30-40 million American jobs could be at risk from free trade, mostly from outsourcing.

A lot of lower-skilled American jobs have already gone to Communist China, which has used its great increase in wealth to expand tremendously its military capabilities to use eventually as a blackmail weapon against the U.S.

Even before this threat occurs, though, China is currently positioned to blackmail economically the U.S. It has $1.33 trillion of foreign reserves, and if it decided to liquidate those and switch to the Euro as its reserve currency, the dollar could crash, sending the U.S. into economic recession.

Perhaps this possibility is why, according to a Sept. 17, 2007 Associated Press article, "Greenspan: Euro Gains As Reserve Choice," the former Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan said that "It is possible that the Euro could replace the dollar as the reserve currency of choice. The European Central Bank has become a serious factor in the global economy."

The only possible choice for the White House that would turn these policies around is Ron Paul, Congressman from Texas. Here is a man that has never violated his oath of office.

The top tier Republican candidates, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson and John McCain would continue the policies of the "New World Order" that have been strongly supported by Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo would be head and shoulders above any in the top tier but both support the Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act that negate the protections against government provided by our Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments).

On the Democrat side, it nearly goes without saying that Hillary Clinton will easily win that nomination. Like the top tier candidates of the Republican Party, Hillary would continue the policies of the "New World Order." All of these are top level corporatists. None of them would allow themselves to be controlled by the U. S. Constitution.

Ron Paul's commitment to the sanctity of human life goes beyond rhetoric. He is the man that sponsored the "Sanctity of Life Act." Had it passed it would have recognized the personhood of all unborn babies by declaring that "human life shall be deemed to exist from conception." This would have brought them under the protection of the Constitution. The Fifth Amendment states, "No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. These unborn souls would have been protected.

The "New World Order" will never support Ron Paul. He is too honest, too ethical, too constitutional and too independent for their liking. They want a president that they can control!


Russell Brown
