Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Logger golf team head to state

| October 3, 2007 12:00 AM

The 2007 Divisional was held in conjunction with the Flat-fish golf tournament which included seven AA golf teams.

The girls Divisional was the first day at Whitefish Lake Golf Course and the boys Divisional was played also at Whitefish Lake but it was played on Saturday the second day of the tournament.

Both Logger golf teams finished 3rd at divisionals and therefore earned the right to play at the State "A" Golf tournament at Old Works Golf Course in Anaconda on Oct. 3-4.

The top three best teams from the Western A along with the 15 lowest scores qualified to compete for the team championship and the individual champion.

The boys had a hot start Friday with Jim Mee firing a tournament low score of 64 the first day at Village Greens.

Zach Watson also shot a 75 and Eric Anderson fired a 79 for a great start in the tournament. The girls played a very solid tournament and appear ready for the state tournament.

Friday, Sept. 28 Scores Girls at Whitefish "Divisionals"

Team Score: 479 - 3rd Place

Korey Kulbeck: 116

Sperry Robinson: 110 - 10th place

Holly Cirian: 118

Jona Peltier: 135

Candace Hendrickson: 154

Saturday, Sept. 29 ScoresGirls at Buffalo Hills

Team Score: 434

Korey Kulbeck: 105

Sperry Robinson: 111

Holly Cirian: 108

Jona Peltier: 121

Candace Hendrickson: 110

Friday, Sept. 28 Scores

Boys at Village Greens

Team Score: 309

Jim Mee: 64 (first day leader)

Zach Watson: 75

Eric Anderson: 79

Bryan Cooper: 95

Eric Grotjohn: 91

Saturday, Sept. 29 Scores

Boys at Whitefish "Divisionals"

Team Score: 367 - 3rd Place

Jim Mee: 79 - 2nd Place

Zach Watson: 88

Eric Anderson: 94

Bryan Cooper: 106

Eric Grotjohn: 121

The team went to Anaconda on Tuesday morning for a practice round at Old Works golf course.

The State competition will be in Anaconda on Wednesday and Thursday.

The following students will be competing in the tournament: Boys: Jim Mee, Zach Watson, Eric Anderson, Bryan Cooper and Eric Grotjohn. Girls: Korey Kulbeck, Sperry Robinson, Holly Cirian, Jona Peltier and Candace Hendrickson.

~ Coach Dann Rohrer