Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Eagle Gateway Arch: A community effort

| October 3, 2007 12:00 AM

The Eagle Gateway Arch was a grand undertaking and the whole project took two months from start to finish, which is quite a feat by any standard. Much of the money for the project was raised through private donations from businesses and individuals. The Eagle Gateway Arch was dedicated on July 7, 2007 in a special ceremony attended by several townspeople, eagle sculptor Todd Berget, Lincoln County Commissioner Rita Windom, business people and Libby Main Street Board Director Trent Oelberg. The Eagle Gateway Arch welcomes travelers and locals alike into the downtown area, or the "hub of Libby," a moniker Oelberg has given the commercial area. The City of Eagles Gateway Arch was part of the Libby Main Street Board's plan in revitalizing the downtown area of Libby.

Receipts and expenditures for the City of Eagles GatewayReceipts:Businesses and Individuals: $11,000; Lincoln County: $10,000; City of Libby: $5,000. Total Receipts: $26,000.

In-Kind Services valued at: $4,455. (Including crane, back hoe, concrete, boom truck, engineering fees, legal fees, rock, and miscellaneous services.)Expenditures:Todd Berget: $11,000. Western Building Center: $9.98. T. Oelberg: $24.90. Cardinal True Value: $55.35. TLC Engineering: $816.75. R.L. Regh: $285. Payne Legal Services: $325. Richard Kenck: $1,500. Montana Machine: $9,186.94. Checks for account: $15.75. Total Expenditures: $23,219.67. In-Kind Services: $4,455.Total cost of project to date (including valued in-kind services): $27,674.67.Balance remaining in account: $2,780.33.