Wednesday, March 12, 2025

More respect is deserved than what is shown

| November 13, 2007 11:00 PM

To the Editor:

We would like to bring to the attention the carelessness and lack of respect toward that of loved ones laid to rest at the City of Libby Cemetery.

This year alone our family has suffered many losses, and taken the item to make sure the grass grows green and is kept trimmed around the headstones of those we have buried in this cemetery.

Each plot is paid for out of our own pockets and some of our tax dollars go toward upkeep and maintenance.

Is it so much to ask for that when mowing is done or plots are dug and covered that respect be shown for those deceased and those who go to visit these graves.

Barbara's marker was in place less than one week when the upright portion was shifted off base by the person mowing and was found this way by a family member, the evening of Mary Lou's burial we paid our respects and found the double marker to be shifted four inches off base and chipped half way up the stone.

There are many other graves and headstones being damaged in preparation for a new one to be dug and covered.

It is told that care is taken when readying and closing a plot, that plywood is being laid and driven over to avoid damage, we however beg to differ and have pictures to prove the backhoe tracks and damage to other markers.

To those of you who turn your dogs loose to defecate on graves and urinate on headstones obviously do not care what they do because it is not your loved one buried there.

If you feel it necessary to have your dogs with you at the cemetery the least you can do is keep them on a leash and carry a doggy doo bag.

Don Benefield & Helen Brickey
